Mobile Option Sets Definition

Mobile Option Sets Definition






Sync with the server

The frequency of when data should be retrieved from the server.

Shorter sync intervals will increase data usage and decrease the battery life of mobile devices.



Automatically consolidate stops where the stops' addresses must match exactly (including any spaces), and times must match or overlap based on the following criteria:

  • If stop 1 starts at or before stop 2, stop 1 must end during, at, or after stop 2 ends.

  • If stop 1 starts after stop 2 starts, stop 1 must end before or after stop 2 ends.

See Stop Consolidation in the Driver App.

  • Type

Requires Driver App 3 or newer.

Available when Automatic is enabled.

An additional requirement for automatic consolidation. If selected, the stop types (i.e. pickup, delivery) of stops must match to consolidate.


Allow the mobile user(s) to manually consolidate stops.

Stops Workflow

Enable Stops Workflow

Allow the mobile user(s) to access the stops list.

Create New Stops

Requires Driver App 3.4 or newer.

Allow the mobile user(s) to manually create a new route stop. See How to Create a Route Stop in the Driver App.

Show Driver Pay

Display the driver pay on the stop info screen.

Allow Stop Level Status Codes

Allow the mobile user(s) to add and/or edit status codes for stops.

  • Display Duplicate Status Codes

Allow duplicate status codes to be displayed. Disabled when the Allow Stop level status codes option is disabled.

Allow Parcel Level Status Codes

Allow the mobile user(s) to add and/or edit status codes for parcels.

Display Duplicate Status Codes

Allow duplicate status codes to be displayed.

Parcel Shortage Alert

Allow the ability to warn the mobile user of a parcel shortage before closing the stop.

See Set a Parcel Shortage Warning in the Driver App.

Group Stops by Tracking ID

Group stops by tracking ID in the stops list, which will displays on demand pickup and delivery orders together.

Complete pickup stops will show even if “hide Complete Stops” is selected.

Sort Stops By

Select how stops will be sorted and displayed in the stops list.

  • Itinerary: Stops are sorted by start time unless overridden by the dispatcher sequence. On demand orders display first, then routed. For route stops, dispatch may provide an itinerary based on customer requests, time optimization, etc.  Route stops are displayed grouped by route, then by start time. 

  • Closest to Me: Stops are sequenced from closest to your current GPS location to farthest, using a straight line distance.

  • Status:  Stops are sequenced by the status of the stop. Stops are sequenced by status in the following order.   

    • Unconfirmed:  Unconfirmed stops are secondarily sorted by end time from the earliest to the latest in descending order, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Arrived:  Arrived stops are secondarily sorted by actual arrival time from most recent arrival to the oldest in descending order.

    • Late:  Late stops are secondarily sorted by end time beginning with the earliest in ascending order, then by closest to the device location, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Almost Late: Almost late stops are secondarily sorted by the end time in ascending order, then by closest to the device location. 

    • Ready: Ready stops are secondarily sorted by end time beginning with the earliest in ascending order, then by closest to the device location, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Almost Ready:  Almost ready stops are secondarily sorted by beginning time beginning with the earliest in descending order, then by closest to the device location, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Early:  early stops are secondarily sorted by beginning time beginning with the earliest in ascending order, then by closest to the device location, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Not Ready:  not ready stops are secondarily sorted by end time beginning with the earliest in ascending order, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Complete:  completed stops are secondarily sorted by actual completion time beginning with the most recent.

  • Start Time: When Start Time sort is selected, stops are sequenced in chronological order based on the start of the stop time window.

  • End Time: When End Time sort is selected, stops are sequenced in chronological order based on the end of the stop time window.

Limit Number of Stops

Limit the number of stops displayed in the stops list based on Sort Stops By.

When enabled, a number field will be visible to enter the number of stops to be displayed.

Enabling this option forces the following settings:

  • Sort Stops By is set to “Itinerary”.

  • Hide Complete Stops is enabled.

  • Display For All Remaining Stops

If Limit Number of Stops is enabled, select whether to disable or hide the remaining stop.

  • Visually Disable

  • Hide Completely

Display Status Label

Not used in Driver App 3 or newer.

Show the status of the stop or order.

Display Tracking ID Box

Not used in Driver App 3 or newer.

Show the Tracking ID on the Stop Info screen.

Display The Stop’s _____ In The Stops List

Not used in Driver App 3 or newer.

Select what is visible on the Stop Info screen.

  • Name

  • Name and Address

  • Street Address

Hide Complete Stops

When checked, complete stops will be hidden from the stops list immediately after the stop is completed for route stops and after the delivery portion is completed for on demand shipments. When unchecked, stops will remain visible for 24 hours in the past when compared against the Delivered date/timestamp as long as the “Deliver To” time on the order is less than 30 days old.

Reject Order at Confirmation

Give the mobile user(s) permission to reject newly dispatched on demand orders.

Automatically Display Unconfirmed Stops

Automatically take the user to the Unconfirmed Stops screen based on the selected interval.

The user is taken to the Unconfirmed Stops screen only if the user is on the Stops List or Stop Info screen.

  • 5 minutes

  • 10 minutes

  • 15 minutes

  • Never

Enable Route Stop Deactivation

Give the mobile user(s) permission to deactivate route stops.

The mobile user(s) will not be able to deactivate any Load/Receive stops or a stop that is chained to another.

Overage Scanning

Allow scan overages with an optional warning that will be displayed for each overage scan.

This does not apply to generic parcels.

  • Enabled

  • Warn

  • Disabled

Future Order Display

Requires Driver App 3 or newer.

Option filter for future display.

  • Show All Future Orders

  • Show 12 Hrs in Advance

  • Show 1 Day in Advance

  • Show 2 Days in Advance

  • Hide All Future Orders

See Future Order Display Filter in the Driver App.

Require Visual Proof of Delivery

Requires Driver App 3 or newer.

Force the mobile user(s) to add a photo or file attachment on the delivery portion of an order or route stop. Only “Delivery” stop types will have the VPOD option.

See How to Require Visual Proof of Delivery in the Driver App.

Receiving Workflow

Enable Receiving Workflow

Allow access to receive stops. Any stop that uses the “Start” stop type.

Restricted Depots

Requires Driver App 3 or newer.

List of depots that will not be visible in the list of Nearby and Other Facilities in the Receiving section of the Driver App.

Enable Batch Scanning

Requires Driver App 3.1 or newer.

Allow the ability to batch scan receive parcels.


Enable HID Scanning

Allow the use of Bluetooth scanners.


The value that indicates the beginning of a barcode string.

Changing this may cause unexpected results.


The value that indicates the end of a barcode string.

Changing this may cause unexpected results.

Alert me if this device has not synced in

Selected timeframe to alert the mobile user(s) if their device has not synced.

  • 5 minutes

  • 10 minutes

  • 15 minutes

  • 30 minutes

  • 60 minutes

  • Never

Routed Scan Data Display

Requires Driver App 3 or newer.

Display the associated route stop-level information after each barcode scan based on the selections below.

At least one selection is required.

  • Stop to Display

    • Next Chained Stop - Display stop information from the next chained stop for the parcel in the parcel scan data pop up.

    • Final Stop - Display information from the last chained stop in the parcel scan data pop up.


Available checkboxes for stop-level information to be displayed after each barcode scan.

  • Consolidation Barcode 2

  • Location Address

  • Location Name

  • Master Barcode

  • Min / Max / Preferred Times

  • Parcel Barcode

  • Parcel Description

  • Parcel Reference 2

  • Post Date

  • Reference 1

  • Reference 2

  • Route ID

  • Route Stop ID

  • Route Stop Sequence #

Force camera use during specific events

Requires Driver App 3 or newer.


Restrict the ability to create manual scans for parcels, mark parcels as scanned, and/or restrict the ability to attach a photo from the gallery by forcing the camera to be used for photos and visual proof of delivery.

See How to Require a Driver to Use Their Camera During Specific Events in the Driver App.


Visual Proof of Delivery

Create Master Barcodes

Allow the ability to create master barcodes. See Master Barcodes.

When disabled, users will still be able to scan master barcodes but the Master Barcode Mode option will be hidden from the menu on the Parcels screen.

Hidden Master Barcode Mode requires Driver App 3.2 or newer.

Overage Defaults

Overage Defaults

When enabled, the overage defaults will be auto-populated with the default parcel type, weight, length, width, and height.

When disabled, users will have to choose a parcel type after scanning an overage and the weight, length, width, and height will be auto-populated with the values in the Parcel Types section of the Operations App.

See Overage Defaults in the Driver App.

Require Parcel Status Code

Forces the mobile user(s) to choose a parcel status code when an overage is scanned.

See How to Require Parcel Types and/or Parcel Status Codes When an Overage is Scanned.

Parcel Type

Set a default parcel type.

This will not override the overage defaults already set on a user’s device. The driver must clear cache/data for the Driver App. See How to Uninstall, Clear Cache, Reboot, and Reinstall the Driver App on your Android/How to Uninstall, Reboot, and Reinstall the Driver App on your iPhone.


Default weight.

This will not override the overage defaults already set on a user’s device. The driver must clear cache/data for the Driver App. See How to Uninstall, Clear Cache, Reboot, and Reinstall the Driver App on your Android/How to Uninstall, Reboot, and Reinstall the Driver App on your iPhone.


Default length.

This will not override the overage defaults already set on a user’s device. The driver must clear cache/data for the Driver App. See How to Uninstall, Clear Cache, Reboot, and Reinstall the Driver App on your Android/How to Uninstall, Reboot, and Reinstall the Driver App on your iPhone.


Default width.

This will not override the overage defaults already set on a user’s device. The driver must clear cache/data for the Driver App. See How to Uninstall, Clear Cache, Reboot, and Reinstall the Driver App on your Android/How to Uninstall, Reboot, and Reinstall the Driver App on your iPhone.


Default height.

This will not override the overage defaults already set on a user’s device. The driver must clear cache/data for the Driver App. See How to Uninstall, Clear Cache, Reboot, and Reinstall the Driver App on your Android/How to Uninstall, Reboot, and Reinstall the Driver App on your iPhone.

GPS Sync

GPS significant change distance

For Driver App 2 only. This will not be displayed for drivers, or mobile users, using Driver App 3 or newer.

The distance in feet that the mobile user(s) should travel before the Driver App attempts to collect GPS information.

Lowering this number increases data usage and decreases battery life.

Sync with server frequency

For Driver App 2 only. This will not be displayed for drivers, or mobile users, using Driver App 3 or newer.

The selected amount of time to send GPS information to the server.

  • 1 minute

  • 2 minutes

  • 3 minutes

  • 5 minutes

  • 10 minutes

  • 15 minutes

  • 30 minutes

  • 60 minutes

Lowering this number increases data usage and decreases battery life.

GPS Required

Requires Driver App 3 or newer.

Restrict mobile user(s) from performing any updates, confirming new work, or moving through their workflow in the Driver App when their GPS/Location Services is disabled or not working.

See How to Require GPS in the Driver App.


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