Deduction Items (Classic Operations App)

Deduction Items (Classic Operations App)

This page is for the Classic Operations App. For the Operations App please see Deduction Items.

Deduction items are settlement items that are applied to a human resource record.

To view deduction items go to MaintenanceDeduction Items.

Field Name


Field Name



A unique numerical ID that is auto-populated.


The description, or name, of the deduction item.

GL Account

Optional. GL Account associated with the deduction item. See GL Accounts (Classic Operations App).

How to Add a New Deduction Item

  1. Go to Maintenance > Deduction Items.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list of deduction items and add the new deduction item in the empty row.

  3. Click the save icon  in the toolbar.

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How to Edit a Deduction Item

  1. Go to Maintenance > Deduction Items.

  2.  Edit the field(s) you would like to edit. 

  3. Click the save icon  in the toolbar. 

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How to Delete a Deduction Item

  1. Go to Maintenance > Deduction Items.

  2. Click the deduction item you would like to delete by clicking on the grey box to the left of the DeductionID column, the row will be highlighted blue.

  3. Click the delete icon  in the toolbar or press the delete button.

  4. Click the save icon  in the toolbar.

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Deduction Items in Human Resource and Agent Records

Deduction items can be added, edited, and removed in the Deductions tab of the human resource and agent records.


How to Create a New Deduction

  1. Click Add to create a new deduction.

  2. Select the Deduction item.

  3. Choose a Schedule

    • Once Per Settlement - This is the default setting and will add the deduction item once to every settlement.

    • Every Day within Settlement - Will add the deduction item to each day in the settlement period, including weekends. Only the "Amount" Type will be available.

    • Every Weekday within Settlement - Will add the deduction item to each weekday in the settlement period, excluding weekends. Only the "Amount" Type will be available.

    • Only Worked Days within Settlement - Will add the deduction item to each day the driver has worked on in the settlement period.

    • Once a Week Per Settlement - Will add the deduction item one time each week in the settlement period. Only the "Amount" Type will be available.

    • First Settlement of the Month - Will only add the deduction item to the first settlement of each month. Only the "Amount" Type will be available

  4. Select a Type and enter the Amount.

    • Amount - Enter a dollar amount in the Amount field.

    • Percent - Enter the percentage amount in the Amount field. You can also set a Min and Max dollar amount.

  5. Pick a Start Date and EndDate

  6. Click OK.


Example of Amount Type 


The deduction amount will be $30 on the first settlement of the month,

Example of Percent Type

If the deduction item Type is set to percent, the percentage of the human resources pay in the settlement will be used and you can set a minimum and/or maximum amount.


The deduction amount will be 30% or $5 and no more than $100 for every settlement. 

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Creating a Payment or Credit Using a Deduction Item

Deduction items can create payments in settlements to pay more, such as for credits or raises, by entering a negative value for the Amount when adding the deduction item to the human resource or agent record.

On the settlement, the negative value is displayed as a payment. 

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