Holiday Posting Schedules

Holiday Posting Schedules

The Holiday Posting Schedules allow you to create a schedule of dates that can be assigned to the recurrence schedule of a recurring order, contract, or contract stop to assign different posting behavior on the selected holiday dates. 

Holiday Posting Schedules are different than the Holidays (Classic Operations App) section and will not activate any holiday overtime charges.

To view the Holiday Posting Schedules go to Maintenance > Holiday Posting Schedules.

How to Add a Holiday Posting Schedule

  1. Go to Maintenance > Holiday Posting Schedule.

  2.  Click the New button in the toolbar.

Alternate Steps

  1. Click the arrow next to the New button, or press the Alt and N keys.

  2. Click Holiday Post Schedule.

How to Edit a Holiday Posting Schedule

  1. Go to Maintenance > Holiday Posting Schedule.

  2. Double-click the holiday posting schedule you would like to edit.

How to Delete a Holiday Posting Schedule

  1. Go to Maintenance > Holiday Posting Schedule.

  2. Double-click the holiday posting schedule you would like to delete.

  3. Click the Delete button on the bottom left.

Holiday Posting Schedules Form

Field Name


Field Name


Holiday Posting ID

Unique numerical ID.


Description or name of the holiday posting schedule.


Used to select the dates to add to the holiday posting schedule. Double-clicking on a date will automatically add a new row to the Edit Holiday Description section.

Edit Holiday Description

Quick Tip: To delete a holiday, select the row of the holiday you would like to delete by clicking the grey box at the beginning of the row and press the Delete key on your keyboard.


The date of the holiday.


Description of the holiday.


The date to post on.

How to Use a Holiday Posting Schedules 

A holiday posting schedule must be applied to a recurrence schedule of a recurring order, contract, or route stop.


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