Credit Card Types (Classic Operations App)

This page is for the Classic Operations App. For the Operations App please see Credit Card Types.

The Credit Card Types section allows you to choose which type of credit cards you accept from your customers.

Go to MaintenanceCredit Card Types.

Field Name


Field Name



Auto populated unique numerical ID.

Credit Card

Name or description.


If this option has a check the credit card type will not be available for use.

How to Add a New Credit Card Type

  1. Go to MaintenanceCredit Card Types.

  2. Click the ID column of the last row.

  3. Enter a unique ID.

  4. Enter a name or description in the Credit Card column.

  5. Optional. Check the Disabled box if you are not ready for your customers to use the credit card type.

  6. Click the Save button in the toolbar.

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How to Edit a Credit Card Type

IDs cannot be edited.

  1. Go to MaintenanceCredit Card Types.

  2. Click the Credit Card column to edit the name or description, or check/uncheck the Disabled button. 

  3. Click the Save button in the toolbar.

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How to Delete a Credit Card Type

You cannot delete credit card types.

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