Conversion Wizard - Advanced Example: Addresses

Conversion Wizard - Advanced Example: Addresses

Using the Conversion Wizard incorrectly can damage your Operations App database. If you have any questions please contact our support department before using this wizard.

Step-by-step guide

This example reviews importing Operations App addresses.  These address records are for use with order placement by a CSR (a different database table is required for internet user addresses). 

Import requirements will differ based on the database table constraints.

When importing data, the columns must remain in the exact same order as when they were exported. If any column is moved or deleted, the import will fail.

In addition to the order of the columns, the data formatting for each value must be appropriate for a successful import.  For example, if a column requires numeric input but an alpha character is present in the field, the import will fail.  Similarly, this applies to size restrictions.  If a full state name is used instead of the two letter abbreviation, the import will fail.  

If you have any questions, please contact our support department before using this wizard.

  1. To update the addresses, we would first export "tblAddressPoints". This is the table with the address book data. 

  2. Once downloaded, open the csv file in a spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.  From here, the table structure and data formatting can be viewed.

  3. Prepare the new data to be imported. In "tblAddressPoints", the "PointID" value is the primary key (aka the unique value that represents a single address record). Note: When importing address points, the "PointID" should be a non-existing negative number. This is one of the few tables where the primary key should be a negative number when importing.  As a reminder, different database tables have various requirements for data to import successfully.  

  4. Import the data. Note: 

Quick Tip: The export feature can be used to view the structure/columns in a table, and any existing data in your database, to prepare for an import of new data.


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