Drivers - New / Edit Driver (X Dispatch 21.0)

Drivers - New / Edit Driver (X Dispatch 21.0)

For X Dispatch 21.0. See here for other versions.

You must have the Drivers permission to view and the Edit Drivers permission to edit enabled. See Users (Classic Operations App).

The Drivers section in X Dispatch is where you can view, add, or edit driver records.

How to Add a New Driver

  1. Go to Maintenance > Drivers.
  2. Click the add button .

Alternate steps:

  1. Click the arrow next to the New button, or press the N key.
  2. Click Driver, or press the R key.

How to Edit a Driver

  1. Go to MaintenanceDrivers.
  2. Click the driver you would like to edit or right-click the row and select Edit

    The right-click menu option Open in New Window will open the edit form in a window that can be moved around.

How to Delete a Driver

  1. Go to MaintenanceDrivers.
  2. Click the driver you would like to delete. 

  3. Click the delete button

How to View the Driver Audit Log

To view changes that have been made to this driver record, click the Audit Log button  at the bottom of the driver form. 

Section Functions

Customize Grid Layout 

You can customize which columns you would like to view and arrange the order by clicking the Edit Grid Layout icon 

Change View

Requires X Dispatch 19.1 or newer.

You can switch between a table view and a card view by clicking on the Card View icon  or Table View icon .

Zooming Settings

Requires X Dispatch 21.0 or newer.

You can zoom in or out of Next Dispatch pages in X Dispatch by right clicking on the page (other than on a card or table) and selecting Zoom In or Zoom Out, or use the Ctrl + or Ctrl - keys. 


Use the checkbox at the beginning of each row, or at the top of each card, to select multiple records. 

Quick Tip

No more than 2 windows can be open or edited at a time. 

Right Click Menu

Right click on a row or card to view right click menu options.

Driver Form


The General tab holds the general information about the driver.


Field NameDescription
IDDriver ID number entered when creating a new driver.
Human Resource

Human Resource ID and name for the human resource record associated with the driver. Use the Edit icon  to view or edit the human resource record. See Human Resources - New / Edit Human Resource

Only active human resource records within the business unit filter, if any, will be displayed.


Vehicle ID and description for the driver. Use the Edit icon  to view or edit the vehicle. See Vehicles (Classic Operations App).

FleetThe driver's assigned fleet. See Fleets (Classic Operations App).
Default CommentsText entered here will show in the "Comments" column on the dispatch board.
PerformancePerformance score. See Driver Ranking Configuration
Preferred End TimeThe driver's preferred end time for the day.
Home ZipZip code for the driver's starting location.
Distance to OfficeThe distance between the office and where the driver starts each day.
Primary FormatPrimary message format that the driver is using when receiving orders and/or messages to their email or device. See Message Formats (Classic Operations App)
Primary Email

For Nextstop or X Mobile notifications, the format XXXXXXXXXX@xmobile, where the "XXXXXXXX" is a unique 10 digit number.  

If you are using this field for emails only, and not Nextstop or X Mobile notifications, the primary email address for the driver.  

Swap Email AddressesClick this button to swap the Primary Email with the Secondary Email.
Secondary FormatSecondary message format that will be used with the "Secondary Email". See Message Formats (Classic Operations App)
Secondary Email

An email address to be used as a backup

Enter the drvier's email here if he/she will be able to update the Nextstop password. See Setting and Resetting a Driver's Password for the Driver App.


Label(s) to be used for reporting purposes. See Labels (Classic Operations App).

Allow Nextstop Access

When toggled on, the driver is able to log in to the Nextstop with the ID and Password.

Email Password Reset

Click this button to email a password reset link to the driver's Primary Email if a valid email is found within the field. If no valid email is found, the email will attempt to use the Secondary Email

The Primary Email or Secondary Email field must have a valid email address for this button to be clickable. 

PasswordDriver's password used to log into Nextstop.
Confirm PasswordUsed to confirm the Password when creating or updating the driver's password.


The Capabilities tab lists the driver capabilities, or items a driver is able to handle on an order. Use the Filter search to easily find driver capabilities, or click Toggle All to check or uncheck all driver capabilities. Capabilities can be added or edited in the Items section. 

Global options setting for capabilities under the "Dispatch" tab must be set to warn or enforce for this section to actively restrict orders based on these settings. See Global Options.

Quick Tip

Capabilities can be added to all drivers by going to Actions > Dispatch Capabilities from the main X Dispatch menu.


The Nextstop tab holds information and permissions for the driver's Nextstop usage.

Field NameDescription
Mobile App VersionThe version of Nextstop that the driver used last.
Device ManufacturerThe manufacturer of the device the driver used last. 
Device OS VersionThe OS version of the device the driver used last. 
Device ModelThe model number of the device the driver used last. 

Toggle All

Check or uncheck to enable or disable all settings on this list. 
Allow Driver Password ResetAllow the driver to request a password reset link to be sent to the Primary driver's email address from Nextstop.

Allow remote check-in

Allow the driver to remotely check in to dispatch board for dispatching.
Allow remote check out

Allow the driver to remotely check out of dispatch board for dispatching.

The driver will be able to remove themselves without any notification to the dispatcher.

Allow updates to pieces and weight fields

Allows drivers to manually update the order or stop-level pieces and weight fields in Nextstop.

Allow updates to pieces and weight from parcel scans

Allows the driver's parcel scans in Nextstop to update the order or stop-level pieces and weight fields based on the Global Options > Mobile tab permission. See Global Options

Allow Viewing AccessorialsAllow the driver to add and/or edit accessorial items in Nextstop.
Enable Automatic Optimizations for Orders

When checked, automatic re-optimization when a significant event is detected for a driver's on-demand orders is enabled. See Route Optimization.

This is a setting for on-demand orders only. 

Mobile Options

The Mobile Options tab displays the mobile options for the driver. Hover over the question mark or see Mobile Option Sets Definition for descriptions of the mobile option.

RO Services

The RO Services tab holds assisted dispatch settings for the driver.

Assisted Dispatch

When checked, the driver will be included in assisted dispatch functionality that suggests the best driver for on demand orders based on the On Demand RO Service settings in the Global Route Optimization Config.

Route Optimization Schedule

The set days and times the driver will be included in the available driver list for assisted dispatch and route optimization services. Click the Add new schedule button to add a schedule, and the delete button next to the schedule to delete it.

If a driver does not have a schedule set assisted dispatch will consider the driver to always be available.

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