Set Driver Pay - Driver Route Pay

Set Driver Pay - Driver Route Pay

You can view or edit driver route pay from the Driver Route Pay form. Changes made here will override the driver route pay.

To access the form, right-click on a posted route from the Route Dispatch board and select Set Driver Pay.

How to Edit Driver Route Pay

  1. From the Route Dispatch board, right-click on the route you would like to update the driver route pay for and select Set Driver Pay.

  2. Edit the grid and click OK or Apply.

Quick Tip: You can edit multiple days by editing the From and/or To fields and clicking the Get Details button.

Driver Route Pay Form

Field Name


Field Name


Route ID

The ID of the route for the driver route pay details in the grid below. Defaults to the ID of the route selected from the Route Dispatch board but may be changed to another route ID and grid reloaded by clicking the Get Details button.


The start date for which to view/edit driver route pay information.


The end date for which to view/edit driver route pay information.

Get Details

Button to refresh the grid if the Route ID and/or From/To dates are updated.


The Route ID for the driver route pay information for the row. Read-only field.


The date on which the route was posted. Read-only field.


The total payment amount for the driver on the selected route for the day.


The surcharge pay amount for the driver on the selected route for the day.


When checked, the TotalPay and SurchargePay in the row will be locked and cannot be edited. When unchecked, the TotalPay and SurchargePay are editable. 

Pay Style

The pay style for the route. Read-only field.

Pay Type

The pay type for the route. Read-only field.


The number of stops on the route that the driver is paid. Read-only field.


The settlement number on which route was paid. Visible only if the route has been settled. Read-only field.


Driver ID of driver that completed route for the day. Read-only field.


Field to enter comments regarding driver pay for selected route and day.


The username of the person who last made changes to the row. Automatically updated when the row is updated. Read-only field.


The date and time when changes were last made to this row. Automatically when the row is updated. Read-only field.


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