X Mobile Guide

X Mobile Guide

This app is deprecated. Please see Driver App (formerly Nextstop 3) for the current app.

X Mobile is the software application used to transmit order, route, and other information via handheld devices to delivery personnel. Two main types of data is sent to X Mobile: On-Demand orders and Routed stops. X Dispatch is the application that sends on-demand orders and X Route is the application that sends routed stops. The first several chapters of this guide review on-demand order processing from orders sent via X Dispatch, the next several chapters review route processing for routes assigned via X Route.

This guide thoroughly explains X Mobile functions and after reading this document users will have a fundamental understanding of how to use it. 

Specific terms used in this article are defined below:

  • Softkey - A "button" on the device's screen that is used to select a feature. This is not an actual button on keyboard.
  • Center button - The main button on the keyboard of many devices. It varies from device to device, however it's usually larger than other buttons and may be a different color. Often it's surrounded by the left & right, and up & down arrow buttons.
  • Main Menu - The first menu that appears on the device. Selections are: Orders & Msgs, Route Manifest, BOL Manifest, Check In, Check Out, Settings, and Quit.
  • Action Options Menu - Another X Mobile menu. Selections are: Next Action, Parcels, Accessorials, and Status Codes.
  • Action Menu - The menu from which order statuses are updated. Selections are: Confirmed, Received at Dock, Next Pickup, At Pickup, Picked Up, Next Destination, At Destination, Delivered, Reject. Please note that these selections are configurable and all may not appear on every device.

On-Demand Orders

Orders sent to a mobile device from dispatch appear in the "Orders & Msgs" section of the Main Menu of the device. To view the assigned orders highlight "Orders & Msgs" and press the right softkey labeled "Select." A "softkey" is not a true button on the device's keyboard, but a representation of a button that displays on the device's screen. 

Confirm New Orders

When order is assigned from dispatch a notification appears on the mobile device as shown here:

Press "OK" softkey, then "Details" to display new order.

New orders should be confirmed so that the dispatcher knows order is accepted by the delivery personnel. To confirm order press "Menu" softkey to display Order Details page. 

Then press the "Next" softkey two more times to display Action Menu. 


Certain functions may be disabled by management and not display, so the image above may appear differently. For example the "Reject" option may or may not display. The "Reject" option is used to reject the dispatched order and send it back to dispatch for redispatching to another delivery person.

For now, select "Confirm" to send an acknowledgement to the dispatcher that this order is accepted. Use "Yes" softkey to confirm confirmation. 

Once confirmed the status next to order changes from "New" to "QY". "QY" means order is confirmed.

Mark Orders as Picked Up

When the delivery person reaches the pickup location two options are available: Changing status of order to "At Pickup" or to "Picked Up." Generally the delivery company management decides whether the "At Pickup" option is used or not. Simply selecting "Picked Up" is more common. To change status of order to "Picked Up" move through the same series of steps as above when confirming an order except choose "Picked Up" in the Action Menu. Press the "Yes" softkey to confirm and note status of order changes from "QY" to "QP." This indicates the order's status is "Picked Up."


Mark Orders as Delivered Collect POD and Signature Information

When order is delivered select it on the device and move through the menus to the "Action Menu." These options are available: Mark order as delivered, Enter POD, Comment, and Signature. Depending upon device being used a signature may or may not be able to be saved.

Mark order as delivered: Select "Delivered." 


Confirm by selecting "Yes" when prompted.

Enter POD:To open POD input screen, press device's center button. For touchscreen device tap in POD field. Enter POD, press "Menu" softkey, press "OK." 


Enter comment: Scroll to comment section and press device's center button, or tap it on screen. Enter comment, press "Menu" softkey, press "OK." 


Enter signature: For touchscreen devices only press "Menu" softkey and select "Add Signature." Have consignee sign screen. Use "Save" softkey to save signature. 

Finish order: Press "Menu" softkey and select "Done". Order is removed from screen and updates sent to delivery company.

Other Commands

Confirm: Confirm that order is accepted by delivery person.
Received at Dock:
Next Pickup:
At Pickup: Delivery person has arrived at pickup location.
Picked up: Package is picked up.
Next Destination:
At Destination: Delivery person has arrived at destination location.
Delivered: Package is delivered.
Reject: Delivery person cannot accept order. The order is put into an "Undispatched" status.

Manifest Menu Commands

The "Manifest Menu" is the menu that appears when the "Menu" softkey is pressed from the order list screen. Typically "Details" is chosen from this menu however other options exist. Review list below for descriptions of the available options.

Field NameDescription
DetailsOpens highlighted order, same functionality as pressing mobile device's center button.
Sort by StatusSorts orders on manifest based on order's current status. (new, confirmed, picked up) Orders with same status are grouped together and sorted by OrderID.
Sort by SequenceSorts orders on manifest based on sequence defined by dispatcher. Allows dispatcher to set specific sequence in which on-demand orders should be completed by delivery personnel.
Sort by Sort FieldSorts orders on manifest by value set on X Mobile message format. Allows for custom sorting of orders based upon any information. (Origin postal code, customer ID, etc.)
Manual FindSearches for an order based upon entry of its "Order ID." Can be used instead of barcode scanner when opening an on-demand order.
Send MsgOpens interface to generate an email to dispatch. The email message is sent to either the global dispatch email address or to a specific email address setup on the delivery personnel's fleet.
Enable ScannerThis option is no longer used. If device is capable of barcode scanning, the scanner is auto-enabled.

On-Demand Parcel Information and Scanning

Parcels can be assigned to orders so that individual tracking information can be noted for each item. If parcels are assigned to orders, they are managed in the "Parcels" area of the "Action Options" menu via the following steps:

  1. Open order from X Mobile "Main Menu."
  2. Press "Next" softkey.
  3. Select "Parcels" from "Action Options" menu.
  4. All parcel descriptions and barcode data for order appear in a list. If X Mobile device is equipped with barcode scanner, parcels can be scanned at this time.

  5. If scanned barcode matches the information for a parcel a "good scan" tone is emitted and a checkmark is displayed in the box next to scanned parcel. If parcel is unexpected (Overage) or if barcode doesn't match what is expected, a "bad scan" tone is emitted, and a new parcel is created with a red "X" displayed next to it. 

    Example of the different icons for each parcel status:

    • Parcel SL-937-39X - Parcel has an empty box next to it indicating that it has not been scanned.
    • Parcel WD-226-65A - Parcel has a box with a checkmark indicating a properly scanned parcel.
    • Parcel FM-851-82K - Parcel has a yellow box with a checkmark. The yellow indicates an exception such as "Damaged" was entered, the checkmark means it was scanned and thus picked up or delivered.
    • Parcel AB-555-42C - Parcel has a yellow circle with no checkmark. This means an exception was entered and parcel was not scanned. This typically means the parcel was kept on the vehicle and not picked up or delivered.
    • Parcel OU-143-90W - Parcel has a red circle with an "X". Indicates an overage, or unexpected parcel was scanned. This could be normal (a "Return") or an incorrect scan.
  6. When scanning is complete press the "Menu" softkey and select "Done".

  7. After pressing "Done" the "Over, Short, & Damaged" (OS&D) report is displayed. This report summarizes the end result of the parcel scanning process. If what is shown on the report isn't accurate the parcels menu can be accessed again and the parcels can be updated.

    OS&D terms listed below:

    • Over - Number of unexpected scans.
    • Short - Number of expected parcels not scanned.
    • Correct - Number of expected parcels scanned.

Complete description of all options available in the Parcel Menu:

Field NameDescription
DonePress when updating or scanning of parcels is completed.
Manual ScanManually enter a parcel's barcode with this function. Useful if a barcode is damaged or unreadable.
Toggle StatusUse to change the status of a barcode. It will "unscan" a scanned parcel, or "scan" an unscanned parcel. If the status of an "Over" parcel is toggled the parcel is removed from the list completely.
ExceptionsApply an exception to a parcel. Exceptions (damaged, opened, refused, etc.) can be applied to either scanned or unscanned parcels.
Parcel InfoShows information specific to highlighted parcel: bill of lading #, dimensions, and scan time. Helpful to ensure proper parcel is associated with order.
Set TypeAssociates parcel with a parcel type such as box, case, crate, etc. Useful for scanning overages on the fly and tracking type of parcels on order.
Create Generic

Quickly adds one or more parcels without specific information or barcodes onto an order. Useful in situations where parcel level details are necessary but no actual parcels are assigned to order. Please note that generic parcels are created with the currently selected parcel type, so the "Set Type" option should be completed before adding generic parcels if it is necessary to track the specific type of parcel. 

View SummaryShows total number of parcels grouped by type expected for order versus number of parcels actually scanned. Allows delivery person to see a current "OS&D" report without exiting the parcel list. It is helpful for ensuring all parcels are scanned.


Another selection available in the "Action Options" menu is "Accessorials." Accessing this menu item gives the delivery person the ability to update accessorial items such as pieces, weight, lift gate, and other items on the order. Note that permission to access to this area is provided by the delivery company, so it may not be accessible.

The initial accessorial screen before items are added:  

  • Use the "Add" softkey to add new accessorials.

The entry of an accessorial calling "Waiting Time.":

The completed information for "Waiting Time.":

Note that the quantity is entered in addition to a note.

The completed waiting time accessorial:

Additional items are added via the "Add" softkey. They can be deleted or edited via the "Menu" softkey.

Status Codes

"Status Codes" is the last menu selection and it's where the delivery person can set different statuses for orders such as Damaged, Left at Door, Arrive warehouse, Depart warehouse, At airport, or other statuses that the delivery company creates. The benefit of status codes is that the delivery company can program any status code which helps the dispatcher track the order, thus providing very granular order statuses beyond simply "Picked Up" or "Delivered." Status codes appear in X Internet so the customer can also view the precise state of their orders.

The initial Status Code screen:

The selection of a Code:

The completed entry in addition to a comment:

Messages from Dispatch

Text messages can be sent back and forth between dispatch and the delivery personnel via X Mobile devices. This type of communication is fast and accurate thus enabling the message information to be quickly understood. Furthermore because of the technologies used in the X Mobile system, a message can be sent by either party and if the X Mobile device is not in coverage, the message will be "queued up" until the device gets in coverage, then the message is sent. In this way the person sending the message can send it as soon as they think about it instead of waiting until the device is back in coverage.

The message is read by using the same method as opening an order. Use "Menu" softkey and choose "Details" or touch the message on the screen, or use the center keyboard button.

After reading message and pressing "Next", two options are available: Reply and Delete.

If "Reply" is chosen message is entered on device and sent to dispatch, "Delete" removes message. 


Delivery personnel can choose to send a message by selecting the "Send Msg" option from the "Manifest Menu".

Follow steps above to finish and send message.

The documentation for processing on-demand orders via X Mobile is now complete.

The remaining parts of this guide describes X Route and Maintenance functionality.

Route Manifest: Download

The following several chapters review functionality of X Mobile related to X Route. X Route sends routed stop and other information to X Mobile. If information about delivering routed stops is not necessary there is no need to read Chapters XII through XVI.

Unlike on-demand orders, route manifests must be manually downloaded into X Mobile. Download by double-tapping "Route Manifest" from Main Menu or highlight this option and tap "Select."

If no routes are currently downloaded into X Mobile, a blank 'Route Stops' screen appears along with the "Get New Route" function.

If routes have already been downloaded for the current or another day, that route information displays. When new route is downloaded, existing route information is removed. To download route, select "Get New Route." By default, the mobile device's current date is used. 

If route from another date must be downloaded, click calendar icon to choose desired date.

When route date is selected, choose whether route should download with "Short," "Long," or "Both" types of remarks, and tap "Go". 

A list of routes assigned to mobile device displays. 

Note: One route is downloaded at a time. If more than one route is required, the previous download steps must be followed for each route.

When route is selected, tap "Done" to download route. 

Example shows "Route 1234" for 09/26 with 5 route stops:

Use the following steps to open route stop:

  1. Tap on stop to open, or use "Menu" and "Next."
  2. Scan route stop barcode located on the daily printed route manifests.
  3. Scan contract stop barcode which corresponds with the stop you'd like to open. This barcode is static and doesn't need to be printed daily.
  4. Scan X Mobile secondary lookup barcode (requires configuration on contract stop and may not be available. Please check with supervisor if you're unsure if barcode is setup).

Please note if stop is opened via a barcode scan option listed above, it's automatically marked "As Arrived." If stop is opened manually, the 'Mark as Arrived" option must be selected manually to mark the "Arrived" status on stop. See: Route Manifest: Mark as Arrived. Once one of the actions above is completed, the route stop displays with the following information: 

  • Route Stop Name
  • Route Stop Address
  • Route Stop City
  • Route Stop Type
  • Min Stop Time
  • Max Stop Time
  • Preferred Stop Time
  • Remarks (may be Short, Long, or both Remarks depending upon the Route Download Options.)
  • Route Stop Number
  • Stop Notes (if any)

The next sections of this guide explain the steps necessary to complete a route stop from start to finish.

Route Manifest: Mark as Arrived

Once route stop to be completed is selected, the following "Route Options" are displayed: Parcels, POD, Add Signature, Deactivate Stop, and Mark as Arrived.

To mark stop's arrival time double-tap "Mark as Arrived" or select this option and tap 'Next".

Select 'Yes" to mark stop as "Arrived." Please note that the "Mark as Arrived" option can only be selected once. It's not possible to update arrived time once it's been selected, so be sure to choose this option carefully. XXXXX - Review last sentence.

Route Manifest: Parcel Scanning and Management

Once stop is selected the following "Route Options" display: Parcels, POD, Add Signature, and Deactivate Stop. 

To complete the scanning process for a route stop, select "Parcels"' from "Route Options" screen and either double-tap, or choose the 'Next' option. The list of expected parcels displays.

  1. All parcel descriptions and barcode data appear in a list. If X Mobile device is equipped with barcode scanner, parcels can be scanned at this time.
  2. If scanned barcode matches the information for a parcel a "good scan" tone is emitted and a checkmark is displayed in the box next to scanned parcel. If parcel is unexpected (Overage) or if barcode doesn't match what is expected, a "bad scan" tone is emitted, and a new parcel is created with a red "X" displayed next to it. Use the "Exceptions" menu option if necessary to record damaged goods, etc..

    Example shows the different icons for each parcel status:

    • Parcel SL-937-39X - Parcel has an empty box next to it indicating that it has not been scanned.
    • Parcel WD-226-65A - Parcel has a box with a checkmark indicating a properly scanned parcel.
    • Parcel FM-851-82K - Parcel has a yellow box with a checkmark. The yellow indicates an exception such as "Damaged" was entered, the checkmark means it was scanned and thus picked up or delivered.
    • Parcel AB-555-42C - Parcel has a yellow circle with no checkmark. This means an exception was entered and parcel was not scanned. This typically means the parcel was kept on the vehicle and not picked up or delivered.
    • Parcel OU-143-90W - Parcel has a red circle with an "X". Indicates an overage, or unexpected parcel was scanned. This could be normal (a "Return") or an incorrect scan.
  3. When scanning is complete press the "Menu" softkey and select "Done". 

  4. After pressing "Done" the "Over, Short, & Damaged" (OS&D) report displays. 

    This report summarizes the end result of the parcel scanning process. If what is shown on report isn't accurate the parcels menu can be accessed again and parcels updated. OS&D terms listed below:

    • No Pairs - Shows no parcels where paired to another stop on the route. If parcels were paired a new section of the OS&D report appears with those totals. 
    • Over - Number of unexpected scans.
    • Short - Number of expected parcels not scanned.
    • Exceptions - Number of expected parcels scanned.
    • Total - Total number of both handled and unhandled parcels on stop.

Parcel Scanning Menu Summary 

The functions below are available in X Route when "Parcels" is selected.

Press when updating or scanning of parcels is completed.
Manual Scan
Manually enter a parcel's barcode with this function. Useful if a barcode is damaged or unreadable.
Set ReturnUsed to connect return (unexpected) parcels to the route's designated "Return Stop." All parcels scanned after the return stop has been set are added as expected parcels on the return. This function is helpful for reverse distribution business so that the chain of custody is complete in both directions.
Toggle Status
Use to change the status of a barcode. It will "unscan" a scanned parcel, or "scan" an unscanned parcel. If the status of an "Over" parcel is toggled the parcel is removed from the list completely.
Apply an exception to a parcel. Exceptions (damaged, opened, refused, etc.) can be applied to either scanned or unscanned parcels.
Update ServerUpdates sever with parcel scan data without closing the stop. Helpful in warehouse environments where more than one scanner is used to scan a linehaul. Allows multiple mobile devices to scan simultaneously.
Set Type

Associates parcel with a parcel type such as box, case, crate, etc. Useful for scanning overages on the fly and tracking type of parcels on order. 

Create Generic

Quickly adds one or more parcels without specific information or barcodes onto an order. Useful in situations where parcel level details are necessary but no actual parcels are assigned to order. Please note that generic parcels are created with the currently selected parcel type, so the "Set Type" option should be completed before adding generic parcels if it is necessary to track the specific type of parcel. 


Set Pair

Used to connect unexpected parcels to another stop. Once this option is chosen, the remaining open stops display. After a stop is selected, every parcel scanned thereafter is copied to the chosen stop and thus expected on that stop. This feature is very useful in situations where there is no ASN import file because it allows for the "Chain of Custody" to be created on the fly. OS&D report shows new category for paired items. 


View Summary

Displays current parcel scanning status.

Master Scan

Route Manifest: Collecting a Signature

To collect signature for route stop, choose 'Add Signature' from 'Route Options' screen and double-tap it or choose "Next." 

Have consignee sign X Mobile device and press the "Save" softkey. 

Use "Cancel" option under "Menu" to exist from signature mode, or remove signature by using "Clear." 

Route Manifest: Collecting POD and Closing Stop

The final step for completing the stop is collecting a proof-of-delivery (POD) which marks stop as "Completed" and removes it from the X Mobile Route Manifest. To collect a POD either double tap "POD" or highlight it and tap "Next" in "Route Options." 

The next screen displays a summary of pieces and weight based upon scan information or the pieces and weight values originally defined on the stop. 

Update pieces and weight if necessary by tapping on field, entering correct data, and choosing "Menu -> OK." Select "Next" to browse to the POD entry screen.


Tap rectangle to open POD input box, enter POD or comment, and select 'Menu->OK." Select "Done" from POD Screen. 


The route manifest displays with all uncompleted stops. (Closed stops do not display.)

**Important: Route stops are removed from manifest when they've been POD'ed. Be sure to complete the stops when no further updates are required from mobile device.

Check In and Check Out

Checking in and checking out are the processes whereby delivery personnel can activate or deactivate themselves on the dispatch board. An activated person appears on the dispatch board and signals to the dispatcher that that they are ready to receive orders, and a deactivated person does not appear on the dispatch board. Check in and out processes are granted by the delivery company, so they may not be available.

Check In

Choose the "Check In" selection from the "Main Menu." 

Confirm the "Check In" process in the second screen. 

Check Out

Choose the "Check Out" selection from the "Main Menu." 

Confirm the "Check Out" process in the second screen.

When the "Check In" or "Check Out" process is completed, the device will show either the on-demand order screen or the routes screen, depending upon where the last activity on the device occurred.

Appendix 1: Initial Device Setup

When X Mobile is started the very first time, the 'X Mobile Initial Setup Screen' is displayed. The information below is required for the device to function

Field NameDescription
Phone Number10 digit code used to assign the delivery personnel in X Dispatch to their mobile device. It's purely an identifier and NOT necessarily the device's actual phone number. The value entered must match the person's email address field setup in X Dispatch -> Drivers in the format:10digitphonenumber@xmobile
Company IDRepresents the CXT Software Company ID found on the 'Company' tab in X Dispatch -> Options. Can also be found in the "X Mobile" section of CXT Software's support website: https://cxtsoftware.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals.
PasscodeThe passcode determines the functionality and features of the X Mobile device such as: GPS Delay Post Intervals, the ability to 'Deactivate' route stops, which server the mobile device communicates with, and what features are available (i.e. On-Demand, Routed, Scanning, OS&D, Signature Capture). The delivery company may maintain several unique passcodes. The complete list of passcodes and their settings is located in the "X Mobile" section of CXT Software's support website: https://cxtsoftware.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals.

Appendix 2: X Mobile Settings

Settings Menu Summary

The "Settings" option from the Main Menu contains functions that are not used for day to day X Mobile functions but rather for setting up and testing the device.


Forces immediate transmission of order, route, and message data that ensures device is completely up-to-date. Helpful when delivery personnel are out of cell phone range and then re-enter coverage. When chosen, the "Manual Transmission" message displays and the phone transmits data. If "System currently transmitting information already" displays, the device is already transmitting on the scheduled interval. 


GPS Data

Shows current time, GPS location, and the last GPS location saved on the phone. 

Test Beep

Emits standard alert beep tones. Helpful for troubleshooting to ensure speaker works and volume is adjusted correctly. 


Additional functions and settings for device configuration. Details explained below. 


Displays version and other information about the X Mobile application loaded on device. 

Advanced Menu Summary 

The functions located in the "Advanced Menu" The "Settings" option from the Main Menu contains functions that are rarely used for day to day X Mobile functions. 

Edit Profile

Additional phone settings, described in Table 5 below.

Purge GPS

Permanently removes all GPS data stored on mobile device. 

Purge All

Clears all X Mobile settings. Once performed the device must be completely configured again. 

Test Connection

Tests device's connection to internet and the X Dispatch server. "Success" must display, if not then contact the X Mobile administrator. 

Force Fix

Calculates delivery person's current GPS location and saves it to phone. 

Reset Post Flag

Sets posting flag to unposted and retransmits all data back to X Dispatch server. 

Refresh Orders

Contacts X Dispatch server to update all current orders with latest data. 

Stored Info

Displays summary of the information stored on mobile device. 

Debug Info

Displays information to be given to CXT Software Technical Services if X Mobile is not functioning properly. 

Turn on/off Networking

Either turn off the data connection or turn it on depending on the current status of the phone. 

Refresh Base Settings

Contacts the X Dispatch server and reloads the mobile device settings based on passcode provided by CXT Software. 

Edit Profile 

Additional phone settings

Phone Number

Unique numeric device identifier. This value can be the phone number of the device but this is not a requirement. 

Company ID

The four digit CXT Software assigned ID of the delivery company.

Company URL

The public facing web address of the delive ry company's X Internet Website.

Update Interval

Sets how often in seconds the device attempts to connect to X Dispatch. 

Delay Interval

Sets amount of time in seconds for how often GPS fixes are captured and stored in X Mobile. 

Allow Auto Resume

Sets phone to automatically resume after a data update. 

Reminder Interval

Sets amount of time in seconds that passes befor e device warns the delivery personnel that an order has not been confirmed.

Outside Alert

Specifies whether the message alert functions when X Mobile is not the active program. 

Alert Pitch

Sets pitch of message alert tone.

Alert Volume

Sets volume of message alert tone. 


Sets device's communication port for GPS. Specific to the device and carrier. 

Max GPS Fixes

Sets number of GPS fixes the mobile device stores. 

Max Route Stops

Sets maximum number of stops downloadable to a route. 

Route Update Interval

Sets how often the mobile device contacts the X Route Dispatch Board. 

Alert Vibrate

Configures device to vibrate phone in addition to hearing the alert tone when a message is received. 

Refresh Profile from Server

Contacts the X Dispatch server and reloads the mobile device's settings based on passcode for device. 

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