Sending a Message to Mobile User from the Operations App

Sending a Message to Mobile User from the Operations App

You can send a message to mobile users from the On-Demand Dispatch board or the Route Dispatch board. 

Spacing at the beginning of the message and carriage returns do not translate to the Driver App.

How to Send a Message

From the On-Demand Dispatch board or the Route Dispatch board.

  1. Select the driver you would like to send the message to.

  2. Right-click and select Send Text Message or press M on your keyboard. 

  3. Optional. Select a From address or type in a new email address. 

  4. Optional. Select recipients from the mobile user or distribution group lists on the left, or manually enter a new email address into the recipient list followed by a semicolon.  

  5. Enter a Subject and Body under Message. You can use a Canned Message to easily add to the Body.

  6. Click Send.

Send Text Message Form

The Sent Text Message form can be divided into 3 sections, From, To, and Messages.






The From field is the selected email address that the message is from. This will default to the last used email address used to send a text message or the default email address is set in the Global Options if no message has been sent yet. The default email address and the last used email address used will be displayed in the dropdown. To set up a default email address see How to Set a Default Dispatcher Email Address below. 


The Primary Email found on the driver record of the drivers that will receive the message will be displayed in the box on the right. See Drivers (Classic Operations App). You can add more drivers to send the message to by selecting drivers from the box on the left and click the single arrow  or click the double arrows  to send the message to all drivers. You can also add, create, view and delete distribution groups. See Distribution Groups below.

You must have the "Text Messaging Distribution Groups" permission to message distribution groups. See Users (Classic Operations App).


You can view, add, and remove canned messages on the left under Canned Messages. See Canned Messages below. The Subject and Body of the message is displayed on the right under Message.

Distribution Groups

You must have the "Text Messaging Distribution Groups" and "Edit Text Messaging Groups" permissions to create and edit distribution groups. See Users or Users (Classic Operations App).

A distribution group is a group of primary emails that can be easily added to send the message to.

How to Add a Distribution Group to the To Field

Double click the distribution group or select the distribution group and click the arrow button  next to the list of distribution groups.

How to Add a New a Distribution Group

  1. Add primary emails to the To field on the right.

  2. Click the Save As Distribution Group button.

  3. Enter a name for the distribution group and click Save.

How to Edit a Distribution Group

  1. Select the distribution group and click the arrow button next to the list of distribution groups to add the group to the To field on the right.

  2. Add or remove primary emails.

  3. Click the Save As Distribution Group button.

  4. Select the distribution group name you would like to edit and click Save.

How to View Primary Emails in the Distribution Group

Select the distribution group and click the View button below the list of distribution groups.

How to Delete a Distribution Group

Select the distribution group and click Delete button below the list of distribution groups. 

Canned Messages

Canned messages pre-made messages to quickly compose the Body of your Message. These are good for messages that you may frequently message drivers and you can add more than 1 canned message to the Body field.

How to Add a Canned Message to the Message Body

Double click the canned message or select the canned message and click the arrow button  next to the list of canned messages.

How to Add a New a Canned Message

  1. Click the Add button under Canned Messages.

  2. Enter the message.

  3. Click OK.

How to Delete a Canned Message

Select the canned message and click Remove button below the list of canned messages. 

How to Set a Default Dispatcher Email Address

The default dispatcher email address is set in the Global Options.

  1. Click Options in the main toolbar. 

  2. Go to the Dispatch tab and enter a Default dispatcher E-mail address.

  3. Click OK.  

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