Print Route Manifest

Print Route Manifest

You can print the route or parcel manifest from the Route Dispatch board.

  1. Right-click on the Routes grid of the Route Dispatch board.

  2. Select one of the following 

    • Print All Manifests… - Select this to print all manifests for the current day.

    • Print Shown Manifests - Select this to print only manifests currently displayed in the Route Dispatch board. For example, select this option if several routes have been completed and only the uncompleted routes are to be printed.

  3. Select the type of manifest you would like to print.

    • Print Route Stops Manifest? - Prints manifest based on route stops.

    • Print Parcels Manifest? - Prints manifest based on parcels.

  4. If Parcels Manifest? was selected, additional format options appear.

    • Print Parcels by Route - Parcel manifest printed based on the route.

    • Print Parcels by Stop - Parcel manifest printed based on stop. 

  5. Select the printer you would like to use.