Global Options

The global Options menu is where your company sets information, configuration selections, and customizations for the software (including the Operations App and Client Portal).


Field Name


Field Name


CXT Customer ID

CXT Software customer ID. Assigned by CXT Software and cannot be modified.

Company Location ID

Used to identify company location id number.


Company name. This information is used throughout the Operations App.


Company address.

City, State, Zip

City, State, and Zip of where your company is located.


Company phone number.

This field is required. This information is necessary so drivers can reach customers if needed.


Company fax number.

Web Address

URL for company web site.


Main email address.

Shipping Label

Two options:

Scanned Docs URL

Deprecated field.

Invoice Database File(Button)

Deprecated field.

Reports Database File(Button)

Deprecated field.

Server Postal Code

Postal code where the database server is physically located. 

If this field is updated, you will need to create a support ticket to restart the WebService for the changes to appear. 

Maximum Attachment Size (MB) Allowed

Maximum size of a single file that can be uploaded into the Classic Operations App, Client Portal, and Operations App.  (Maximum file size can be set to as high as 255 MB)

Maximum Image Size (MB) Allowed

Maximum size of an image file that can be uploaded into the Classic Operations App, Client Portal, and Operations App. (Maximum file size can be set to as high as 99 MB)

Automatically Compress Larger Images

Automatically compress images larger than the "Maximum Image Size Allowed".

Cloud Settings

Amazon S3 settings. Managed by CXT Software. 

Websites Base URL

Company's base URL. This is auto populated and cannot be changed.


Field Name


Field Name


Internet Mapping Options 

Left Click Mapping

The mapping service used when you left-click on an address in the Operations App.

Right Click Mapping

Mapping service used when you right-click on an address in the Operations App.



"Default City" when taking a new address.


"Default State" when taking a new address.

Display Warning....

This will allow you to specify how long an order can be open on the dispatch screen before the user is prompted that the order is still open, enter 0 to disable the warning.

Treat Polygon Zones Records as Override

Allow Polygon Zones to override zip code or zone pairs, when zone rating in Rate Charts.

Use ____ when calculating charges for distances

How to calculate the charges for distances.  Select from:

  • Miles

  • Kilometers

Allow zero pieces on orders

Allow orders to have 0 pieces.

User Definable Fields

Field Name

The name that is displayed for each "User Field" on an order. See How to Set Up User Definable Fields for Orders.

Wait Time Items

Quick Tips: Wait Time Items that are set here are not editable by mobile and internet users.

Pickup Wait Time Item

The item selected will be automatically added to the order's charges with the quantity set to the time, in minutes, between the "At Origin" and "Picked Up" status.

Pickup Threshold (Minutes)

Length of time before the pickup wait time item is added to the order.

Example: You allow for 15 minutes of waiting time before charging the customer for waiting time.

Delivery Wait Time Item

The item selected will be automatically added to the order's charges with the quantity set to the time, in minutes, between the At Destination and Delivered Status.

Delivery Threshold(Minutes)

Length of time before the delivery wait time item is added to the order.

Example: You allow for 15 minutes of waiting time before charging the customer any additional waiting time after the 15 minutes will be added to the order based on the item chart set up for the order type.

Check for Duplicate Orders

Check for Duplicate Orders

Check for duplicate orders.

Duplicate Order Check Threshold (Minutes)

Maximum number of minutes used to check for duplicate orders.

Override Shipping Label Reply Email


When enabled, shipping label replies will be sent to the email address entered. This applies to the Operations App and Client Portal.

When disabled, shipping label replies will be sent to the email on the customer record, if that is blank then it will be sent to the fleet dispatch email, and if that is blank the default dispatcher email.



Field Name


Field Name


Global GL Account (Peachtree)

This must match the GL account you have set up in Peachtree.

Allocate Revenue for Business Unit by

How to assign revenue for business unit. Select from:

  • Customer

  • Driver

Resolve surcharge conflicts by

How to handle surcharge conflicts. Select from:

  • Using one surcharge amount prioritized by the customer record

  • Use highest surcharge amount 

  • Using the combined surcharge amounts 

Credit Card Processing


Payments are not allowed.

Plug'n Pay Processor 

Use Plug'n Pay Processor as payment method. 

For more information on how to sign up see Setting Up Credit Card Processing.

Host server

Should be set as

User ID

User ID provided for by Plug'n Pay.


Remote client password set up in Plug'n Pay.

Use auth method to validate credit card

Required for processors who need to process credit cards with the auth method.

PayPal Payflow Pro

Use PayPal Payflow Pro as payment method. 

Host server

Should be set as This can be selected by using the drop down arrow.

Merchant partner

The Merchant partner you have set up with PayPal.

Vendor ID

The Vendor ID you have set up with PayPal (Contact PayPal for assistance with setting up an account).


Password that goes with your Vendor ID.

Convert Customer Cards to Plug'n Pay

Opens the Credit Card Conversion Wizard to convert credit cards from PayPal PayFlow Pro to Plug'n Pay.

Enforce X Dispatch Credit Limit

How you would like to enforce the Operations App credit limit. Select from:

  • Ignore

  • Warn

  • Enforce

Enforce X Internet Credit Limit

Select how you would like to enforce the X Internet credit limit. 

QuickBooks Online

Enable Two-Way Integration

Enables two-way sync with QuickBooks. When setting up, check the checkbox and click the Connect to QuickBooks button below. See Connecting and Syncing QuickBooks Online.

Accounts Receivable Aging

Aging Type

The type of aging to determine "Past Due" and "Credit Hold" statuses.

  • 15 Days

  • 30 Days 

  • 45 Days

  • 60 Days

Start Past Due Warning

These options depend on the selected Age Type and will determine when the customer Account Status will automatically be changed to "Past Due" and/or "Credit Hold" when the account has an outstanding balance and the warning and/or enforcement will start.

If "15 Days" Aging Type is selected:

  • Never

  • After 15 Days

  • After 30 Days

  • After 45 Days

  • After 60 Days

  • After 75 Days

  • After 90 Days

  • After 105 Days

  • After 120 Days

If "30 Days" Aging Type is selected:

  • Never

  • After 30 Days

  • After 60 Days

  • After 90 Days

  • After 120 Days

If "45 Days" Aging Type is selected:

  • Never

  • After 45 Days

  • After 90 Days

  • After 135 Days

If "60 Days" Aging Type is selected:

  • Never 

  • After 60 Days

  • After 120 Days

Start Credit Hold Enforcement



Field Name


Field Name



Default dispatch E-Mail address

When sending orders or messages to a driver, this is the return email address that is used when the driver replies to the message or updates an order using the Q codes if there are no email addresses associated to that driver's fleet.

Dispatch refresh interval

Interval that the dispatch board will automatically refresh at.

Ranked order refresh interval

The automatic refresh interval that is used when you are ranking drivers for orders.

Enforce capabilities when dispatching

This will look at the capabilities that a driver has. If the order requires a capability that a driver does not have, it will keep you from dispatching the order to that driver. You will be prompted with a message that lists the capabilities that the driver needs for this order.

Enforce capabilities when ranking

This will take in to account the drivers capabilities when ranking the drivers for an order.

Enforce capabilities on order form

This will take in to account the drivers capabilities on an order form.  This also applies when an order is being updated after it has been dispatched.

Example: If there is a HAZMAT item in the order that requires approval for a driver to deliver, it would check if the driver has this certification when assigning to an order. Then depending on your selection, it will "enforce" or "warn" the CSR.

Enforce critical dates

Critical dates are stored in Human Resources that can refer to items such as drivers license, insurance, or immigration expirations and in Vehicles (Classic Operations App) for items such as registration and insurance.

  • Ignore - The expiration dates are not monitored by the Operations App.

  • Warn - The system will prompt the dispatcher if they would like to dispatch the driver or vehicle despite the expiration.

  • Enforce - The dispatcher will not be able to dispatch the driver or vehicle if one or more of the items are expired.

Enforce vehicle max dim weight

Max Dim Weight is set on the driver's vehicle on the vehicle record. This setting can be overridden for individual vehicles through the vehicle record’s MDW Enforcement setting.

  • Ignore - The Max Dim Weights are not monitored by the Operations App.

  • Warn - The system will prompt the dispatcher if they would like to dispatch the driver despite exceeding the associated vehicle’s Max Dim Weight.

  • Enforce w/API - The dispatcher will not be able to dispatch the driver when exceeding the associated vehicle’s Max Dim Weight. This will be enforced within the API as well.

  • Enforce w/ No API - The dispatcher will not be able to dispatch the driver when exceeding the associated vehicle’s Max Dim Weight. This will not be enforced within the API.

Enable & Track "Received At Dock" (Check Box)

Checking this box enables another status tracking option called Received at Dock. This can be found under order status on the order form.

Tunable Dispatch Parameters See Driver Ranking Configuration for more information.

Vehicle Records User Definable Fields 

Field Name 

These are all user definable fields used to customize the field name of fields in the User Data section of vehicle records. See Vehicles (Classic Operations App).


Field Name


Field Name


Settlement Caption

When running settlements, the caption entered here will display at the top of the settlement.

Replace Pairs

Find and replace in settlements.

Text box

CSS to edit the style of your settlements.

Rapidship Client

Options for Rapidship Client.

Field Name


Field Name


Welcome message

Welcome message displayed in Rapidship Client.

Update URL

Auto populated. Do not change.

Company Logo

Company image displayed in Rapidship Client. Choose between images uploaded to the Operations App.

Shipping Label

Image displayed on shipping label. Choose between images uploaded to the Operations App.

Internet Options

Options are for the Client Portal, X Internet, and Web Services.

Field Name


Field Name


Tracking Display

Null Pickup Time as

If not checked, the "Picked Up" status will not be displayed on the order tracking page on your website until the order has been marked as picked up in the Operations App.

If checked, the "Picked Up" status on your website will always be displayed on the order tracking page with the caption set here. Once the order has been marked as picked up in the Operations App, the caption on your website will be replaced with the actual pickup date/time.

Null Delivery Time as

If not checked, the "Delivered" status will not be displayed on the order tracking page on your website until the order has been marked as delivered in the Operations App.

If checked, the "Delivered" status on your website will always be displayed on the order tracking page with the caption set here. Once the order has been marked as delivered in the Operations App, the caption on your website will be replaced with the actual delivery date/time.


Allow user to see both pickup and delivery addresses for the order they are tracking.

Total Charges

Allow user to see "Total Charges" for the order they are tracking.

Driver Photo(s)

Display driver photo(s) on your website

Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)

Allows Client Portal users to see the calculated ETA on orders and route stops through the Track Order page.


Date Display Format

Format how the date will display in when logged in to your website. Select from:

  • yyyy-mm-dd

  • ddd mm/dd/yy

  • mm/dd/yy

  • mm/dd/yyyy

Time Display Format

Format how the time will display in when logged in to your website. Select from:

  • h:nn AM/PM

  • hh:nn

Maximum Attachment Size (MB) Allowed

Maximum size in MB allowed for an attachment that can be uploaded to your website.

New User Template

Select a default template for new users.

Invoices Online

Allow invoices to be viewed on your website.

Create New Account

Allow Client Portal users to create new customer accounts online through the Client Portal's register page. 


Disable Google Places Search

Removes Google Place Search for all users.

Require Parcel Type

Require users to select a parcel type when placing an order on your website.

Allow Parcel Entry - Rapidship

Allow users to add parcels to orders in the Client Portal. 

When unchecked, all parcel verbiage will be removed in the Client Portal.

Contactless Service Options - Rapidship

If enabled, allow Client Portal users to select a contactless pickup and/or delivery option whenever signatures are not required. 

Require Pieces w/ Default

Require pieces and set a default number of pieces when placing an order on your website.

Require Weight w/ Default

Require weight and set a default weight when placing an order on your website.

Edit Order

Allow internet users to edit orders in the Client Portal until the selected status event. 

  • Never

  • Until Dispatch

  • Until Confirmation

  • Until Pickup*

* “Until Pickup” is defined as when the driver marks the order as “Arrived”.

Cancel Order

If enabled, allow internet users to cancel orders in the Client Portal until the selected status event. 

  • Never

  • Until Dispatch

  • Until Pickup*

* “Until Pickup” is defined as when the driver marks the order as “Arrived”.

Enforce Address Validation

If, or which, online orders require validated addresses. This applies to orders placed in the Client Portal or created through API web services. It does not apply to orders placed in the Operations App.

  • Disabled

  • Intet Addresses & API Orders

  • Inet Addresses Only

  • API Orders Only

Require Package Info

Require the “Package Info” field for all Client Portal users and set whether the requirement is also enforced for API internet users.

  • Disabled - The Client Portal and API for internet users will not require the “Package Info” field

  • Enabled W/API - The Client Portal and API for internet users will be required to enter a value for the “Package Info” field when placing online orders .

  • Enabled No API - Client Portal users will be required to enter a value for the “Package Info” field when placing online orders. API for internet users will not require the “Package Info” field.

Display Driver Location

If, or when, driver location will be displayed in the Client Portal. This can be over-ridden on the customer or internet user level. See Driver Location in the Client Portal.

  • Disabled - Driver tracking will not be available.

  • After Dispatch - The driver's location will be displayed after the order has been dispatched.

  • En Route Only - The driver's location will be displayed once the stop is the next stop. For the greatest accuracy for determining when a stop is next, the driver should mark the stop as the next stop in the Driver App and/or the sequence should be set for the driver from the dispatch board or route optimization. Routes will be sequenced when posted but on demand orders do not sequence automatically when assigned to a driver unless automatic route optimization is enabled for the driver.  If no sequence is set for orders and a next stop is not set by the driver, then the stops will be sequenced based on the To Time for the stops with the earliest To Time being considered the stop that the driver is en route to.

Orders w/RSR

Editable when Edit Order is enabled.

Whether or not the associated route stop will be automatically deactivated or left active when a Client Portal user makes edits to the order type on orders that have been run through route sort rules.

  • Keep Active - Keep the associated route stop active even when the order type is changed during an edit of an order in the Client Portal.

  • Deactivate - Deactivate the associated route stop that was created through route sort rules if the Client Portal user makes an edit to the order type.

Allow orders to be entered where the destination zip is not found within the Best Rate Details

Allow users to enter orders where the destination zip code is outside of what the Best Rate Details specifies.

Zip Code not found in Rate Chart Error Text

Display customized text when a zip code is not found in the Rate Chart.

Credit Exceeded Message

Message displayed when the user goes over their credit limit.

Display Delivery Release as

If checked, the text defined in this field is automatically added to order's destination comments during order entry.

X Internet Options

Origin Remarks Caption

Use this field to customize the origin remarks caption.

Origin Remarks Description

Add additional text that displays above the origin remarks to assist customers placing an order.

Destination Remarks Caption

Use this field to customize the destination remarks caption.

Destination Remarks Description

Add additional text that displays above the destination remarks to assist customers placing an order.

Internet Status

On/Maintenance/Off Hours

Select the status of your website.

  • On: Your website is working and taking orders.

  • Maintenance: Your customers are not able to place orders on your website. Enter the maintenance message on the right that your customers will see.

  • Off Hours: Your customers can place orders and an email will be sent and/or the order will be auto dispatch. See the next 3 fields for setting this up.


If "Off Hours" is selected, enter an email address where to send the notification an order placed when your site is in the "Off Hours" status. You can leave this blank if you do not want an email to be sent.

Message Format

If "Off Hours" is selected, select the message format of the email that will be sent to the email address in the previous field.

Auto Dispatch Driver

If "Off Hours" is selected, select a driver to auto dispatch orders placed when your site is in the "Off Hours" status.


Field Name


Field Name



Enable spell check

Enables spell check when entering text into the Operations App, such as order remarks, origin comments, destination comments, etc.

Display Reminders at random

Randomizes "Tip of the Day" pop-ups. If it's not checked, tips show in the order they were entered.  This option is set for the local computer only, it is not a global setting.

Use server time on workstation

When checked, the Operations App uses server time instead of workstation time. This option is set for local computer only, it is not a global setting.

Enable 'Due From' on Orders

Allows manual adjustment of "Due From" time on orders.

Enable SMS Text Notifications

Allow email fields to also accept phone numbers, so users can receive status update notifications via SMS text messaging. 

Enable sales tax processing

Enables sales tax usage during order rating. Sales tax still must be set up under Maintenance > Sales Tax.

Allow blank destination on orders

Allows saving of orders without a destination address. 

Item Comments Classic Mode

When enabled,  this feature automatically adds comments to order items on the Charges tab describing how the charge was calculated.

Enable Embedded Fonts for AR

Enable embedded fonts for active reports.

Enable Parcel Refrigeration Types

Enable the "Parcel Refrigeration Type Enforcement" field within Maintenance > Parcel Types that controls whether a Driver App user is required to select a refrigeration type of Frozen, Refrigerated, or Room Temperature on specific parcel types.

Sales Tax Evaluate

Select how to evaluate sales tax.

Display last ___ (qty) orders on main orders form

Sets number of orders  displayed in the Operations App "Orders" screen. The maximum number of orders allowed is 1000.

Customer ID Algorithm

Sets how the Generate ID  feature works that is used to create a system-generated customer number when adding a new customer.  Two options are available:

  1. Maximum ID Plus 1 - Creates new customer number by adding "1" to the highest customer number on file.

  2. Next Available ID - Creates new customer number by finding gaps in current customer number list (lowest to highest).  Once all gaps are used, reverts to "Maximum ID Plus 1" methodology.

  3. Custom Procedure - Creates new customer number from a custom procedure. You must reach out to Enterprise/Dedicated Services to have a custom procedure created. If a custom procedure is not specified then the algorithm will default to “Next Available ID”.

- 1 will continually be added to the value returned of the custom procedure.

- The custom procedure cannot have any parameters, and should only return 1 row with 1 column, where the value is the new CustID value (Name does not matter). When selected, a field Custom Procedure Name will be visible where you can specify the name of the custom procedure you would like to use.

Customer Options

Enable Customer Inactivity Warning ___ days

Warn CSRs of customer inactivity after a configurable number of days

Enable Alternative Lookup

Allow alternate lookup. See Customer Alternate Lookup for more information.

Driver Pay Chart Options

Enable driver pay charts

If enabled, this option makes visible driver pay charts in:

Customer > Accounting tab:


Human Resources > Advanced tab:


Driver pay charts allow the disconnection of delivery personnel pay from order rates. A separate pay chart is created to which "Human Resources" or "Customers" are pointed. When the delivery person is paid, if pay charts are setup for their "Human Resource" or for the order's "Customer," the pay is calculated using it instead of the order's rate.  By default, customer pay charts override human resource pay charts, however this logic can be reversed by using the "HR Pay Charts Override Customer Pay Charts" option described below.

HR Pay Charts Override Customer Pay Charts

If driver pay charts are enabled using "Enable driver pay charts" option above this option is visible.  When enabled, if a pay chart is defined in "Human Resources" it overrides the pay chart (if defined) setup for customer.  The end result is the delivery person is always paid from the "Human Resources" pay chart, not the customer pay chart.  

Auto-calculate surcharge driver pay on live orders with manual user overrides

If enabled and using driver pay charts, when a driver's base rate pay has been manually overridden on a live order, the surcharge will be auto-calculated off of the overridden base rate amount instead of the original driver pay chart calculation.

If disabled and using driver pay charts, the driver surcharge pay is always based off the associated driver pay chart and not off the manually entered driver base rate on the live order.

Watermark Options


The background image that displays behind signature wherever a signature image can be viewed.  (Operations App, legacy X Internet and Remote Order Entry products, etc.)


Sets opacity (transparency) level of "Watermark Image" wherever it is viewed.  This adjustment allows image to be somewhat "faded out" so it doesn't interfere with signature.

Test Watermark

Displays what signature looks like with the watermark image.

Signature Max Height

Enter the max height in pixels of your signature.

Signature Max Width

Enter the max width in pixels of your signature.

Ensenda Options

Courier ID

Courier ID provided by Ensenda to those delivery companies performing Ensenda work.

Ensenda URL

URL provided by Ensenda to those delivery companies performing Ensenda work.

Carrier ID

Carrier ID provided by Ensenda to those delivery companies performing Ensenda work.

Agent ID

Agent ID provided by Ensenda to those delivery companies performing Ensenda work.

International Options

Default to Canadian Addresses

Sets default drop down box to "Can Address" when entering and validating new addresses.

XTracking MP Options


Password used by Cloud Clients who also have MapPoint on their local workstation and want to interface Cloud Client with MapPoint. The password set here must also be entered into the "X Tracking" settings in MapPoint. 

Password Confirm

Retype same password entered in previous "Password" field.

X Route

Field Name


Field Name


Rate Surcharge

Surcharge Item

Sets surcharge item for routed work.

Customer Surcharge %

Sets surcharge percent on routes, this change is global and affects all routes.

Driver Surcharge %

Sets driver's surcharge percent. This change is global and affects all routes.

Driver Surcharge based on

What the Driver Surcharge % will be based on. This can be overridden on each route via Route Planning. See Planning - New/Edit Route.

  • Driver Route Pay 

  • Customer Surcharge Amt

Print Barcodes

All stops

Sets option to print barcodes for all stops on a route.

Route stops only (On demand stops and stamps excluded)

Sets option to only print stops created by contract stops, and not print stops created by route stamps or on demand orders moved to route.

Stop Time Settings

Enable Min/Max Automatic Time Calculation

Allow auto calculation, +/- preferred time, when adding a new contract stop.

Minimum Time Offset (minutes)

Minimum time is auto calculation is enabled.

Maximum Time Offset (minutes)

Maximum time is auto calculation is enabled.

Misc. Settings

Allowed number of days to view posted route stops

Set the number of days in the past a user is able to view posted route stops. Enter "0" to not allow a user to view any posted route stops.

Allowed number of days to edit posted route stops

Set the number of days in the past a user is able to edit posted route stops.  Enter "0" to not allow a user to view any posted route stops.

Enable Route Sort Rules (enables on demand orders to sort onto routes)

Allow Route Sort Rules. See Route Sort Rules - New / Edit Route Sort Rule for more information.

Display POD Name on Route Manifest

Adds a POD column to the route manifest.

Enforce address validation when using web service

When enabled, route stops being created through the web service will have address validation enforced. For web services only.


The Mobile tab contains settings for the mobile app.

  • Hover over each option under Updates from parcel scanning for on demand orders or Updates from parcel scanning for route stops for a detailed description of each setting.

  • Click the Mass Driver Logout button in the Driver App Logout section log out all mobile users that currently have a Driver App session. 

  • Nextstop Version allows you to select the minimum version of the Driver App that drivers are allowed to use. Selecting “CXT Driver 3+” and “Newest ver. only” allows you to require drivers to always have the most current version of the Driver App.


Field Name


Field Name


User Definable Fields

Field Name

These are all user definable fields used to change the field name of fields in the User Data section in the Misc tab of human resource records. See Human Resources - New / Edit Human Resource.

User Definable Date Fields 


These are user definable date fields found on the Dates tab of human resource records. See Human Resources - New / Edit Human Resource.