Display Settlements

Display Settlements

Settlement in general also refers to the entire process of paying drivers. Displaying settlements is an important step in verifying the pay data prior to printing the settlement report.  It's recommended that the settlement data is displayed prior to providing the report to drivers. 

Quick Tip: These human resource settlements can be customized with custom CSS from the Reports tab of Global Options.

How to Display Settlements

  1. From the top menu, go to ActionSettlementsDisplay Settlements.

  2. Fill out the Display Settlements form as needed.

  3. Click Display Settlements.

Display Settlements Form



Column Name


Column Name


Batch ID

Unique identifier for settlement batch.


Selected fleets used for settlement batch.

First #

First driver ID in batch.

Last #

Last driver ID in batch.

Begin Date

The beginning date used for batch.  Settlements after the date selected are processed.

End Date

Ending date used for batch.  Settlements after the date (and time) selected are not processed.

Settlement Type

The Settlements based upon option when the settlement was created.

  • Due By Date

  • Actual Delivery Date (This uses localized delivery date/time stamps.) 

  • Ready Time From Date 


Field Names


Field Names



Driver ID (blank for all)

Driver ID to filter the displayed report for only 1 driver. 

Title Image

Selected image to be used on settlement report. See Images (Classic Operations App) to add images.

Show Totals Only

If checked, only totals will be shown on the settlement report.

Page break by driver

If checked, each driver will start on a new page.

Group by Business Unit

If checked, perform the initial sort by business unit, then sort by drivers.

Hide item amounts

If checked, item amounts will not be displayed in the settlement report.

Show Columns 

Quick Tip: This is only for settlement reports and does not apply to what is visible to drivers in the Driver Portal which is configurable in the driver record.

Order Price

If checked, the column will be shown in the settlement report.

Base Amount

Percent of Order

Driver Split

Stop Name


Include Fleets

Select Fleets

Click the Select Fleets button to select the fleets to be used in the settlement report.

Selected fleets are displayed in the box below.

Right-Click Menu for Batches

You can right-click on a batch to select from the following options.

Quick Tip: You can email settlements to an individual driver by entering their Driver ID in the Options section, right-clicking the batch, and selecting Email Driver Settlements.

Settlement Report Example

Quick Tip: You can customize the subheader of the report ("Human Resource Settlements" in the example above) in the Reports tab of the Global Options.


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