Images (Classic Operations App)

This page is for the Classic Operations App. For the Operations App please see Images.

Images are used in several places throughout the Operations App and the web services. For example company logos, shipping labels, invoice formats, etc. 

Quick Tip: If you are having trouble uploading an image because of the size, see How to Configure Image Settings for more information. 

How to Add an Image

Images added must be in one of the following formats: JPG, BMP, or GIF. 

Quick Tip: PNG images are not supported in the Classic Operations App. To access or upload PNG images, use the web-based Operations App. See .

  1. Go to Maintenance > Images.

  2. Click the New button in the toolbar.

  3. Enter a unique Image Number.

  4. Enter a Description that will be displayed when selecting an image for use.

  5. Click the empty field, find and select the image you would like to use. If you are having trouble uploading an image because of the size, see How to Configure Image Settings for more information.  

  6. Click Open.

  7. Click Save and Close.

Alternate Steps

  1. Click the arrow next to the New button, or press Alt + N keys. 

  2. Select Image.

How to Edit an Image

  1. Go to Maintenance > Images.

  2. Double-click on the image you would like to edit.

How to Delete an Image

  1. Go to Maintenance > Images.

  2. Double-click on the image you would like to delete.

  3. Click File > Delete

  4. A message asking if you are sure you want to delete the image will pop up. Click Yes