Sales Tax (Classic Operations App)

Sales Tax (Classic Operations App)

This page is for the Classic Operations App. For the Operations App please see Sales Tax.

Sales tax can be applied to the total sale of an order. Customers, order types, and items can be exempt from this tax. See How to Set Up Sales Tax

Go to Maintenance > Sales Tax.

Field Name


Field Name


From State

The origin state of the orders from that the sales tax will be applied to.

To State

The destination state of the orders from that the sales tax will be applied to.


A description of the sales tax. 

Sales Tax Item

The selected sales tax item. For example, "State Tax" or "Local Tax". See Items.

Tax Rate %

The percentage amount of sales tax to be applied.


Priority level to apply the sales tax. 


You have state and local tax and want the local tax to be charged, then state tax. You would set the Priority for your local tax to 1 and your state tax to 2.

Begin Date

The date to begin charging sales tax.

End Date

The date to end charging sales tax.

How to Add a Sales Tax

  1. Go to Maintenance > Sales Tax.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list of sales tax and add the new sales tax in the empty row.

  3. Click the save icon  in the toolbar.

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How to Edit a Sales Tax

  1. Go to Maintenance > Sales Tax.

  2. Edit the field(s) you would like to edit. 

  3. Click the save icon  in the toolbar. 

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How to Delete a Sales Tax

  1. Go to Maintenance > Sales Tax

  2. Select the sales tax you would like to delete by clicking on the grey box to the left of the From State column, the row will be highlighted blue.

  3. Click the delete icon  in the toolbar or press the delete button.

  4. Click the save icon  in the toolbar.

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User Permissions for Sales Tax

Users need to have permission to be able to add or edit sales taxes. 

Giving Sales Tax Permissions

  1. Go to Maintenance > Users. See Users (Dektop Operat App).

  2. Select a user by double clicking on the User ID

  3. Click the + next to the checkbox for Maintenance Functions.

  4. Click the + next to the checkbox for Sales Tax.

  5. Check the box for Sales Tax and/or Edit Sales Tax

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Removing Sales Tax Permissions

Follow the steps above to uncheck the boxes.

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