GL Accounts (Classic Operations App)

GL Accounts (Classic Operations App)

This page is for the Classic Operations App. For the Operations App please see GL Accounts.

GL accounts, also referred to as income accounts, are used when exporting/importing into your accounting package. You can bulk apply GL accounts to business units, then further configure it per item, deduction item, order type, contract, and stamp rate chart as needed.

GL accounts must match exactly what is in the accounting package.

You must have the “GL Accounts” permission to view this section and the “Edit GL Accounts“ permission to make edits. See Users (Classic Operations App).

To manage the GL Accounts, go to Maintenance > GL Accounts.

Field Name


Field Name



Unique ID number.


The GL Code that matches the Income Account(s) found in your accounting package.

  • QuickBooks: The GL Code must contain the NAME of the corresponding Income Account.

  • Peachtree: The GL Code must contain the NUMBER of the corresponding Income Account.


A name for the GL Account.


A description that describes the GL Account.


Optional. The class that matches the Income Account(s) found in your accounting package.

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How to Add a GL Account

  1. Go to Maintenance > GL Accounts.

  2. Enter a GLAccountID, GLCode, GLNameDescription.

  3. Optional. Enter a Description.

  4. Click the save icon  in the toolbar.

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How to Edit a GL Account

The GLCode should not be edited if in use.

  1. Go to Maintenance > GL Accounts.

  2. Click the GL Account you would like to edit.

  3. Click the save icon  in the toolbar.

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How to Delete a GL Account

GL accounts that are currently being used within items, order types, or contracts cannot be deleted.

  1. Go to Maintenance > GL Accounts

  2. Click on the box to the left of the GLAccountID you would like to delete.

  3. Click the delete icon  in the toolbar or press the delete button.

  4. Click the save icon  in the toolbar.

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