Rate Detail Wizard

Rate Detail Wizard

The Rate Detail Wizard is used to set up zone to zone pairs using zip codes on the rate chart.

To access the Rate Detail Wizard, in the Base Rate Details tab of the rate chart, click Rate Detail Wizard in the bottom right.

Rate Detail Wizard Form

Once you click the OK button, the values entered will be used to calculate the rates from the center of one zip to another within the mile radius specified.

Field Name


Field Name


Center Postal Code

Zip/Postal code used for distance rating based on the geographical center of the zip code.

Radius (50 miles maximum)

Value from 1 - 50 miles from the Center Postal Code.

Rate Per Mile

The amount per mile for the rate wizard tool calculate with.

Minimum Rate

The minimum rate to charge regardless of the miles.

Maximum Rate

The maximum rate to charge regardless of the miles.

Delete existing detail records

Checking this box will delete any previous rate detail entries on the Base Rate Details tab of the rate chart.


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