Adjust Rate Chart Details

You can adjust base rate chart details all at once by using the Adjust Rate Chart Details form.

How to Adjust Rate Chart Details

  1. Go to Maintenance > Rate Charts and then right-click on the rate chart you would like to adjust.  

  2. Select Adjust Rate Details… from the menu.

Adjust Rate Chart Details Form

Field Name


Field Name


Adjust Chart

The rate chart ID you are wanting to adjust.

Order type

The order type on the chart you want to adjust.

Adjust details by amount

When selected, rates will be adjusted by a specific amount.

Adjust details by percent

When selected, rates will be adjusted by a percentage amount.

Amount to adjust

Visible when Adjust Details by amount is selected.

The dollar amount to adjust the rate charts details by.

Percent to adjust

Visible when Adjust Details by percent is selected.

The percentage amount to adjust the rate charts details by.