Customer Alternate Lookup

Customer Alternate Lookup

Users can find customer records more easily with an Alternate Lookup field on the Customer form.  The Alternate Lookup field provides users with the ability to use a search all Customer records by using any alphanumeric identifier instead of using the Customer name or Customer ID. 

Setting up Customer Alternate Lookup

Customer Alternate Lookup fields must be unique values, which cannot duplicate existing Alternate Lookups or customer Names.

Enable the Customer Alternate Lookup Feature

  1. Go Options > Misc tab.

  2. Enable the Enable Alternate Lookup checkbox and press OK.

Add an Alternate Lookup to a Customer Record

  1. Go to Maintenance > Customers.

  2. Double the customer record you would like to add the Alternate Lookup to.

  3. Enter any alphanumeric identifier into the Alternate Lookup field. This must be a unique identifier that does not already exist as a customer Alternate Lookup or customer Name.

  4. Save and Close the customer record.   

Using Customer Alternate Lookup

The customer Alternate Lookup is used in various locations throughout the application.  

Creating a New On Demand Order or Contract Stop

The Alternate Lookup can be used to search for the customer record.

  1. Enter the Alternate Lookup into the CustID field and press enter.  

  2. The Find results set form is displayed with the Alternate Lookup added to the search criteria.  

  3. Click Exec to view the Find results and select the desired customer record.  

Creating a New Route Stop

Enter the Alternate Lookup into the Scan Barcode field and the Find will open.  

Top Search

A search can be initiated at the top of the form in the following locations  

  • X Dispatch - Orders

  • X Dispatch - Customers

  • X Dispatch - Dispatch (once Alternate Lookup has been enabled in the Global Options, you must reset the layout on the Dispatch Board, and relaunch the Operations App)

  • X Dispatch - Recurring

  • X Route - Contracts

  • X Route - Planning

  • X Stream - Import Audit Log

  • X Stream - Route Preferred Time Mapping

  • X Stream - Route Mappings

  • X Stream - Information

  • X Stream - File Locations

  • Maintenance - Internet Users

To search at the top of any of these forms:

  1. Enter the Alternate Lookup in the Look for field.

  2. Select "Alternate Lookup" from Search User drop-down.



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