Item Rate Charts - New / Edit Item Rate Chart

Item Rate Charts - New / Edit Item Rate Chart

Item rate charts are used to rate items on an order. 

Field Name


Field Name


Chart ID

Unique numerical ID value for the item rate chart.

Order type

Order type the item(s) will be applied to. 

Quick Tip: When editing or viewing a surcharge rate chart, you can click "Order Type" to view or edit the order type form.


Description, or name, of the rate chart.


Item to be rated on the order.


Dollar amount rate for the item.


Per quantity of items that the rate will be applied to.


The quantity of the item before applying the rate.


If the Over is set to 10 the rate will start when there is a quantity of 11 for the item.

Charge for all?

If selected and an Over quantity is entered, when the item quantity is greater than the Over quantity then the rating will be applied to the total quantity.


If Charge for all? is selected and the Over is set to 10, when the quantity for the item is 11 or more the rating will be applied to the total quantity.


The maximum quantity for the item when applying the rate.


Dollar amount to round up to. 

  • NONE

  • $1.00

  • $.50

  • $.25

  • $.10

  • $.05

Client Portal Requirement

Whether or not to make the item reqired in the Client Portal.


Click to open the Item Break Chart. See Item Rate Charts - Item Break Chart.

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How to Add a New Item Rate Chart

  1. Click the down arrow icon next to New in the toolbar. 

  2. Select Rate Chart Menu > Item Rate Chart

  3. Enter a Chart ID.

  4. Select an Order Type.

  5. Enter the values for your item rate chart.

  6. Click OK to save and close, or click Apply to save and keep the form open.

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How to Copy an Item Rate Chart

  1. Go to Maintenance > Rate Charts.

  2. Click the "+" next to Item, or double-click Item.

  3. Click the "+" next to the chart ID, or double-click chart ID.

  4. Right-click the item rate chart.

  5. Select Copy Rate Chart.

  6. Fill out the Copy Item Rate Chart form.

  7. Click OK.

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How to Edit an Item Rate Chart

  1. Go to Maintenance > Rate Charts.

  2. Click the "+" next to Item, or double-click Item.

  3. Click the "+" next to the chart ID, or double-click chart ID.

  4. Double-click the item rate chart.

  5. Edit the item rate chart.

  6. Click OK to save and close, or click Apply to save and keep the form open.

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How to Delete an Item Rate Chart

  1. Go to Maintenance > Rate Charts.

  2. Click the "+" next to Item, or double-click Item.

  3. Click the "+" next to the chart ID, or double-click chart ID.

  4. Double-click the item rate chart.

  5. Click the Delete button at the bottom left.

  6. A warning will pop up, click Yes.

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