Invoice Formats - New / Edit Invoice Format

Invoice Formats - New / Edit Invoice Format


Invoice formats allow you to have different types of invoices. 

An invoice format with a negative ID is a template and cannot be edited. 

How to Copy an Invoice Format

  1. Go to MaintenanceInvoice Formats.

  2. Click on the invoice you would like to delete. It will be highlighted in blue.

  3. Right click on the invoice format you would like to copy. 

  4. Enter a new unique ID.

  5. Click OK.

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How to Add an Invoice Format

Adding a new invoice format will create a new blank invoice format. It is preferred to copy one of the templates, invoice formats with a negative ID.

  1. Go to MaintenanceInvoice Formats.

  2. Click New in the toolbar.

Alternate Steps

  1. Click the arrow next to the New button, or press Alt + N keys. 

  2. Click Invoice Format.

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How to Edit an Invoice Format

An invoice format with a negative ID is a template and cannot be edited.

  1. Go to MaintenanceInvoice Formats.

  2. Double click on the invoice format you would like to edit.

  3. Click OK to save edits.

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How to Delete an Invoice Format

Invoice formats cannot be deleted if attached to a customer.

  1. Go to MaintenanceInvoice Formats.

  2. Click on the invoice you would like to delete. It will be highlighted in blue.

  3. Right click on the invoice format you would like to delete.

  4. Select Delete.

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Field Name


Field Name


Image 1

Image(s) used in the invoice. See Images (Classic Operations App) to add a new image.

Image 2

Image 3

Remit Info

Remit Information.

Return Info

Return information.

Return Info Position

Where the return information will be positioned.

Group/Summary By

Summarizes and groups invoice totals based on criteria selected. 

Page Break After Each(Check Box)

If selected, a page break will be inserted after each group/summary.

Bottom Page Memo

Memo at the bottom of the invoice.

Invoice Sort

The criteria that the invoices will be sorted by.  For example, "ReadyTimeFrom".

Show Aging Breakdown

Display an aging breakdown at the bottom of the invoice.

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Field Name


Field Name



Select on demand and route information to display on the invoice.



Display options for terms.

  • Memo

  • Memo + Net ##

  • Memo + (InvoiceDate+Net##)


This memo will appear on your invoice.

Attachment Link URL

URL displayed on the invoice to download an attachment. See How to Add Attachments Links to an Invoice.

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Report Formats

The Report Formats tab allows you to edit the layout of the invoice.

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Email Options

Field Name


Field Name


Return Email name

The name to be displayed for the return email.

Return Email Address

The email address for when a customer replies to an emailed invoice.

Email Subject

The email subject line. Use the Dynamic Fields For Email Subject and Body to automatically add fields such as the customer number, invoice number, billing contact, customer name, invoice date or invoice due date.

CC Email Address

Additional email address(es) to send the emailed invoice. 

Filename Override

Customized attachment filename that will be used when emailing invoices to customers. Use the Dynamic Fields For Email Subject, Body and Filename Override to automatically add fields such as the customer number, invoice number, billing contact, customer name, invoice date or invoice due date.

Email Body Text

The body of the email. Use the Dynamic Fields For Email Subject, Body and Filename Override to automatically add fields such as the customer number, invoice number, billing contact, customer name, invoice date or invoice due date.

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The Captions tab allows you to customize the labels for On Demand StopsContact BillingContract Stop Billing and Stamps.

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