
This page is for the Operations App. For the Classic Operations App please see Rapidship Customization.

You must have the Customization permission to view and the Edit Customization permission to edit this page.

See Users for more information.

You can customize your Client Portal website inside of the Operations App.

To view Client Portal Customization go to Client Portal Settings > Customizations.

How to Create a New Profile

  1. Go to Maintenance > Client Portal Customization.

  2. On the left next to Profile click the + button.

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How to Apply a Profile

You can switch to a different new or created profile.

  1. Go to Maintenance > Client Portal Customization.

  2. Select the Profile you would like to use.

  3. Click the Publish button.

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How to Edit a Profile

  1. Go to Maintenance > Client Portal Customization.

  2. Select the Profile you would like to edit.

  3. Click the save icon.

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How to Delete a Profile

  1. Go to Maintenance > Client Portal Customization.

  2. Select the Profile you would like to edit.

  3. Click the delete icon.

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Client Portal Configuration

The left of the Rapidship Configuration screen is a preview of the changes you make from the form on the bottom right in the Styles and Translations tab.

Chat Widget Integration

The Chat Widget Integration tab is where you enable and customize your chat support widget in the Client Portal.

This cannot be saved on the default “CXT Client Portal Default” profile.

Field Name


URL Reference | Script Block

The selected method embedding your chat widget.

Chat Integration Code

When URL Reference is selected, a chat widget URL is entered in this field.

When Script Block is selected, a script/function code for embeding the chat widget is entered in this field.


Javascript to customize the chat widget. The following variable can be used to add customer or user information:

  • username - Internet user’s username

  • userFullName / userFirstName / userLastName - Internet user’s name

  • userEmail - Internet user’s email

  • primaryCustomerFullName / primaryCustomerFirstName / primaryCustomerLastName - Internet user’s primary customer name

  • selectedCustomerFullName / selectedCustomerFirstName / selectedCustomerLastName - Name of the selected customer in the Client Portal

  • selectedCustomerEmail - Email of the selected customer in the Client Portal

Available on these pages

Selected pages where the chat widget should be displayed.

Available to these customers

Selected customers that can use the chat.

Click on the Customers field to select or search for customers. Customers with an Account Status of “Inactive” or “Blacklisted” will not be displayed.

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Page Names and Custom URLs

The Page Names and Custom URLs tab allows you to add custom page URLs that will display within the left navigation in Client Portal and/or set up a Place Order page URL redirect.

How to Add Custom Page

  1. Click +Add Configuration.

  2. Select Add Custom Page.

  3. Enter the Custom Page Name and Custom URL.

  4. Click the Publish button.

How to Set Up a Place Order Page Redirect

  1. Click +Add Configuration.

  2. Select Place Order.

  3. Enter the Custom Page Name (enter “Place Order” to keep it the same) and a Custom URL.

  4. Click the Publish button.

How to Delete a Custom Page or Page Order Redirect

  1. Click the red X next to the Custom Page, or Place Order Page you want to delete.

  2. Click the Publish button.

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The Styles tab is where you can customize the colors, font, and logo in the Client Portal.

Field Name



The color used in the Client Portal. Hover over the field name to see a description of where the color is used.

Click the colored square to change the color using the color picker or entering the RGB values.



The font used in the Client Portal.

Select between

  • Default

  • Arial

  • Georgia

  • Helvetica

  • Verdana

Logo Search

Used to search for the logo image to use in the Client Portal. Images are uploaded in the Images section. To add a PNG file type, please contact Technical Support.

This will normally be blank if you are not searching for an image.

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The Translations tab is where you can make customizations to text in the Client Portal. Use the Find field to quickly find text in the Client Portal. You can use the Replace field to quickly replace the all the text searched for in the Find field by entering the text and clicking the button with the two arrows in the field.

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