

The Orders section displays a list of current orders with basic order information. 

Quick Tip: You can set the maximum number of orders to display in the Misc tab of the Global Options. See Global Options.


To access the Orders section go to On-DemandOrders

Field Name


Field Name


The current status of the order is displayed by the color of the envelope.

  • Green - Rated and not yet invoiced (Status: Rated or CC Rated)

  • Cyan - Invoiced and unpaid (Status: Invoiced)

  • Yellow - Invoiced and paid short (Status: ShortPaid)

  • Magenta - Invoiced and paid in full (Status: Paid)

  • Red - Unrated and will not be invoiced (Status: New)

  • White with red circle and line through - Order is canceled (Status: Canceled)

If the order has a dispatch flag set, a red flag icon  will be displayed. See dispatch flag below.


The customer's name that the order is for. See Customers - New/Edit Customer.


The order ID.


How the order was entered and/or who entered it.


Name of where the order is being picked up from.

Origin Address

Street address of where the order is being picked up from.

Origin City

City of where the order is being picked up from.


Name of where the order is being delivered to.

Dest Address

Street address of where the order is being delivered to.

Dest City

City of where the order is being delivered to.

Customer ID

Customer ID for the Customer. See Customers - New/Edit Customer.

Order Date

Date and time the order was placed.

Order Type

Order type that is on the order.


The number of attachments on the order.

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How to Search for an Order

You can find orders by entering the criteria in the Look for field and selecting the column field you would like to Search Under.

Search by Order Number

If you know the order number you are searching for you can enter it in the search box in the top right. 

Quick Tip: This search bar can be used throughout and not just in the Orders section.

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How to Add a New Order

  1. Go to On-Demand > Orders.

  2. Click the New button, or press the CtrlN keys. 

Quick Tip: You can also click the "<Ctrl+N> for New Order" link at the bottom. 


Alternate Steps

  1. Click the arrow next to the New button, or press Alt + N keys. 

  2. Select Order, or press the O key.

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How to Edit an Order

  1. Go to On-DemandOrders.

  2. Double click on the order you would like to edit.

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How to Cancel an Order

  1. Go to On-DemandOrders.

  2. Double click on the order you would like to cancel.

  3. Click the cancel button in the top toolbar.

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Field Name

Icon Name


Field Name

Icon Name


Save and Close

Save the current order and open a new order form.

Save and Keep Open

Save the current order and keep the order form open.

Reprint Dispatch Ticket

Print the order in a formatted print form or as seen on the screen depending on the selected Print dispatch ticket in the order type of the order. See Order Types (Classic Operations App)

Disabled when creating a new order.

Print Shipping Label

Print a shipping label for the order that can be added to the package.

Disabled when creating a new order.


Use Imager to Scan Attachment

Scan a document using a scanner connected to your computer and add it as an attachment to the order.

Insert File

Upload a file as an attachment to the order.

Set Dispatch Flag

Flag either the Origin Remarks, Destination Remarks, Order Comments or all 3 of these fields for the order.  The fields marked as flagged will be highlighted in red.



Cancel the order. This will remove the order from the dispatch board and it will not be invoiced. 

Disabled when creating a new order.


Restore the canceled order. This will add the order back to the dispatch board and can be invoiced.

Visible only for canceled orders.



Save and close the current order and create a new return order with the same Order Number but appended with a ".01" at the end. The new order will automatically fill in the same Customer IDContact, and Billing Group. The Origin and Destination information will be reversed. You will need to select an Order Type for the new order.

Multiple Order Same Origin

Save and close the current order and create a new order with the same Customer IDContact, Billing Group, and Origin.

Multiple Order Same Destination

Save and close the current order and create a new order with the same Customer IDContact, Billing Group, and Destination.


Save and close the current order and create new orders in a sequence with the same Order Number but appended with a ".01", ".02", ".03", etc. at the end. The new orders will automatically fill in the same Customer IDContact, and Billing Group. The Destination information will be entered for the Origin. You will need to select an Order Type for the new orders.


Create a duplicate order with all of the information the same except for the dates which will be filled in as the current date. A pop-up will appear to select which optional fields you would like to add to the cloned order.


Insert Customer Address

If the Origin Name or Destination Name field is selected, the current Customer Name and Customer Address information automatically filled in.



Rate the order. 

Lock Charges

Lock or unlock the Charges tab. If the charges are locked, no changes can be made to the order under the Charges tab until the order has been unlocked. 

Lock Driver Pay

Lock or unlock the driver pay on the order. If the driver pay is locked, no changes can be made to the driver assignment or pay under the Drivers tab until the order has been unlocked.

Bill Credit Card

Process a credit card in order to pay for the order.


Turns the current order into a recurring order. See Recurring Order.

Flip Addresses

Switch the Origin and Destination information.

Re-calculate Distance

Recalculates the distance between origin and destination. 

View Tracking Status

Open the Order Status window to view the status of an order. See Order Status.

View Customer Notes

Opens the Customer Notes found on the Notes tab of the customer record


View Driver Settlements

Displays the "Driver Settlement" amount for the order.

Email Status

If clicked, the information from the Order Status will be emailed to email in the Email / Fax field when the order is saved and closed.


Email Shipping Label

Open a form to email the shipping label. See How to Email a Shipping Label from the Order Form

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Field Name


Field Name



Customer ID

The customer ID number for the customer associated with the order. 


The customer contact name. 

Billing Group / Cost

Used for grouping invoices.


If the customer has sub-accounts, the sub-account can either be entered directly or picked from a list. This field can be filled in when the customer has different departments or offices that require a single invoice but need to track the usage and billing by department/office. 



The address name of the origin for the order. 

The address of the origin.

The button is enabled once the address is chosen from the Name field above. 

Click to view the route stop created and the route sort rule applied to the order. 


Click to view order, short and damaged parcel information.

Click to view the origin location information. 


Phone number of origin address. 

Click the Remarks... button to open a list of global origin remarks to select from that you can add or edit.

Get Directions

Click the "Get Directions" link to open a window with a map and directions from the origin to the destination of the order.

Click the arrow icon  to open the Remarks in a separate window for easy editing.

Remarks (textbox)

Comments for the origin. 

Displayed in the Driver App on the Stop Info screen, the Client Portal Track Order details, and X Internet Track Order. If the stop is consolidated in the Driver App, only the Remarks of the first consolidated will be displayed.



The address name of the destination for the order. 

The address of the origin.

The button is enabled once the address is chosen from the Name field above. 

Click to view order, short and damaged parcel information.

Click to view the destination location information. 


Phone number of origin address. 

Click the Remarks... button to open a list of global origin remarks to select from that you can add or edit.

Get Directions

Click the "Get Directions" link to open a window with a map and directions from the destination to the origin of the order.

Click the arrow icon  to open the Remarks in a separate window for easy editing.

Remarks (textbox)

Comments for the destination. 

Displayed in the Driver App on the Stop Info screen, the Client Portal Track Order details, and X Internet Track Order. If the stop is consolidated in the Driver App, only the Remarks of the first consolidated will be displayed.


Email /SMS Text Alerts 

Email address(es) and/or phone number(s) that will automatically receive status update notifications for the order. Separate multiple entries with a semicolon ";".

Placed / At PU / Picked Up / At Del / Delivered / ETA

These checkboxes determine which emails will be sent during the delivery process. If a checkbox is grayed and you are unable to check it, this means that the status event is not set up with a message format in the customer record for the customer on the order. 

  • Placed - A confirmation message the moment the new order is "Saved and Closed".

  • At PU - A message will be sent when an order is marked with the "At Pickup" time stamp. 

  • Picked Up - A confirmation message verifying the pick up has occurred.

  • At Del - A message will be sent when an order is marked with the "At Destination" time stamp. 

  • Delivered - A message containing POD information for the order.

  • ETA - A message will be sent when an order's ETA is updated with more than a 10 minute change. 

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Field Name


Field Name



References for the order usually supplied by the customer and will appear on the driver’s device and the customer’s invoice.

You can use the dropdown to select from a list of approved references or manually type one in.


  • From - The time and date the order is ready for pickup. This default value is the current time and date the order is created.

  • To -  The time and date the order must be picked up by. This value is set by your company for dispatching purposes and usually is not changed, but can be changed if there is an actual deadline.

Service Type

The service type for the order. See Service Types (Classic Operations App)

Order Type

The order type for the order. Only order types that are priced for this customer will appear in the list.

  • Automatic Time Windows - Checkbox visible when creating a new order. It is checked by default and controls whether or not the Pickup To and Deliver To time and dates are auto-populated and can be edited when creating the order. Unchecking this box will allow the editing of any one or all of these times and dates when creating the order.

Parcel Info

The parcel type that is being picked up. See Parcel Types (Classic Operations App). This list may be limited to the Available Parcel Types selected in the customer record Parcel Types tab if Enable parcel type list in XD is enabled on the customer record

  • Pieces - The number of pieces to be picked up. 

  • Weight - The weight of the parcel(s) to be picked up.

  • Weight… - Opens the Dimensional Weight Calculator. See Dimensional Weight Calculator.


  • From -  The time and date the parcel cannot be delivered before.

  • To -  The time and date the parcel must be delivered by. 

Force Location Scan

Require the driver to scan a location barcode in the Driver App, when completing the order. Selection options include: "None", "Upon Arrival", "Upon Departure", or "Both". See Force Location Scan in the Driver App (Nextstop 3).

  • Pickup

  • Delivery


Label(s) to be used for reporting purposes. See Labels (Classic Operations App).

Order Comments

General notes about the order.  

Not displayed in the Driver App or the Client Portal.

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The Charges tab shows a summary of all charges applied to an order.

Field Name


Field Name



Items being charged on the order. 


The quantity for the Item listed.


The price of the item. It is automatically be calculated and entered, but can be edited with proper "Order" permissions


A specific driver to be paid on the item for multiple driver orders.  All the commission on the item will be given to the selected driver, overriding any percentage split that may be applied under the Driver tab.


Comments or notes for the item. 

Rate Explanation

Click to display the Item Rate Details for the item which shows how the item rate was calculated

How to Remove an Item

Select the row of the item by clicking on the row, a triangle will appear, then press the Delete key.

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The Drivers tab shows all the drivers assigned to an order and any required inputs.

Field Name


Field Name



If this dollar symbol image is present, it indicates the driver has been "settled" for the job (meaning, a settlement was run for the driver and this order was included in the paid items).  The symbol will show on both the tab, and the field inside the tab.


Selected driver(s) for the order. 


The percentage value is used to calculate how much the driver will be paid. This value will default to 100% when a driver is selected. 

Pay Amount

The amount the driver will be paid. 

Settlement Number

The settlement number associated with the driver for an order.  See Display Settlements.

Required Input

Add New

Click the button to add a new specific driver prompt for the driver when he/she picks up and/or delivers the order. See Driver App Required Driver Input. 

Required Input

The prompt to display for the driver.


The driver's response.


The timestamp when the driver responded.


When the prompt will appear. 

  • Pickup

  • Delivery.

How to Remove a Driver or Delete a Required Input

Select the row of the driver or required input by clicking on the row, a triangle will appear, then press the Delete key.

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The Notes tab can be used to add notes for the order. See Notes

Field Name


Field Name



The type of note.  Default note types include:

  • Bill Note

  • Email Note

  • Phone Note

See Note Types (Classic Operations App).


If checked, the note will be emailed to the email address in the Email field on the order form when using [OrderNotes] in a message format associated with the customer. See Message Formats (Classic Operations App) and Customers - New/Edit Customer


The note. Click here to add or edit the note. 

How to Remove a Note

Select the row of the note by clicking on the row, a triangle will appear, then press the Delete key.

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User Fields

The User Fields tab allows you to customize up to 12 user-defined fields to be able to track specific data and use for custom reporting. See How to Set Up User Definable Fields for Orders.

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The Parcels tab is used for listing and tracking individual parcels on the order.

Field Name


Field Name


Parcel ID

The automatically generated unique identifier of the parcel.

Parcel Type

The type of parcel. To edit parcel types available see Parcel Types (Classic Operations App).

Refrigeration Type

The refrigeration type selected:

  • Frozen

  • Refrigerated

  • Room Temperature

See set up requirements for Parcel Refrigeration Types.


Click to open the Dimensional Weight Calculator to enter the dimensions of the parcel and calculate the Dimensional Weight of the parcel. See Dimensional Weight Calculator.


Click to view the audit trail for the parcel.

Parcel Items

Click to view and edit the parcel items associated with the parcel types. 

Units in Container

The number of units in the container.

Parcel Weight

The total weight of the parcel.


Barcode for the parcel. 


Comments that relate to the parcel.


Used when the customer has their own unique parcel ID for the parcel.


Used when the customer has their own master parcel ID for the parcel.


Customer reference information for the parcel.



Master barcode associated with the parcel


When the parcel was last updated.


Who updated the parcel last.


When the parcel was created.


Who created the parcel.


Click to view X Stream Imported Parcel Data. 


Order BOL

The bill of lading for the order. This can be used for grouping/filtering in the Driver App. 

Master BOL

The master bill of lading for the order. This can be used for grouping/filtering in the Driver App. 

Pickup OS&D

Click on the red info button to view the over, short and damaged parcels.

Delivery OS&D

Received OS&D

How to Remove a Parcel

Select the row of the parcel by clicking on the row, a triangle will appear, then press the Delete key.

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The Attachments tab displays all files attached to the order. To add a new attachment click the insert file icon  in the toolbar or right-click and select Insert File or Create Text File. Double click to open the attachment or select the attachment then right-click and select Open... The right-click menu also allows you to delete, save the attachment to your computer, and edit the Description. 

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The Flight tab allows you to enter flight information associated with the order. 

Field Name


Field Name


Departure Airport

The airport code of the airport the flight is departing from.

Departure Carrier

The name of the airline of the departure flight.

Departure Flight

The flight number of the departing flight.

Departure Time

The time of the departing flight.

Departure Type

The type/model of the departing flight airplane.

Departure Distance from Origin

The distance from the "Origin Address" of the order to the airport.

Arrival Airport

The airport code of the airport the flight is arriving at.

Arrival Carrier

The name of the airline of the arrival flight.

Arrival Flight

The flight number of the arrival flight.

Arrival Time

The time of the arrival flight.

Arrival Type

The type/model of the arrival flight airplane.

Arrival Distance to Destination

The distance from the airport to the  "Destination Address" of the order.

Airbill Number

The Airbill Number for the charges of the flight.

Carrier Charges

The total charges for the flight.


Comments related to flight information. Clicking on the arrow icon  will open the comments in a separate window for easy editing.

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Tasks are listed in the Tasks tab. The DueDate of overdue tasks will be highlighted red and completed tasks will be highlighted in green. You can add, edit and delete tasks by right-clicking in the Tasks section.

Tasks are assigned to users and can have reminders set. When the Reminder field is set, the Edit Task form will pop up at the time the reminder is set. for. For example, if Reminder is set to "10 Minutes" and my Due date is set to "06:00 Wed 03/27/19", the Edit Task form will pop up at 5:50am on 03/27/2019. 

When the Mark as Completed button is clicked, a date field will appear to enter the time and date that the task was completed. 

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Status Codes

The Status Codes tab allows you to enter or view status information regarding an order.

Field Name


Field Name



Date and time the status code was added to the order. Localized time based on the origin address. 

Status Code

The status entered for an order. This list is populated from the Status Codes section. See Status Codes (Classic Operations App).


Comment related to the status code for the order.

Removing a Status Code

Select the row of the status code by clicking on the row, a triangle will appear, then press the Delete key.

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Order Status Bar

The order status bar is at the bottom of the order screen and contains useful information.

Override Calculated Distance

Double-click the Distance on the order status bar to open the Override Calculated Distance window. Fill in the desired distance and click OK to override the Original Calculated Distance.


The calculated distance is 0.4 miles but you want to charge a minimum of 5 miles.

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Quick Jumps

You can quickly move through the order entry screen by using Quick (F) Jump Keys and you are able to access the Customer Record, Message Formats, and the Driver Record from quick access buttons located within the order form.

Quick Jump Keys

You can jump to specific fields within the order form by selecting the specific F Key for that field.

Quick Jump to Rate Forms

You can open the corresponding base, item, or surcharge chart that is used to rate the order. This will help you to quickly troubleshoot On-Demand order rating issues.

Go to View > Rate Chart Forms and select the rate chart.

Quick Jump To Order Type Form

Jumping from the order form to the order type form will allow you to troubleshoot various issues on the configuration of the order such as incorrect time windows, incorrect fleet assignment, as well as other issues.

Go to View > Order Type Form.

Quick Jump To The Customer From

Jumping to the customer form from the order form allows you to view the customer assigned to the order without having to navigate away from an order you are viewing.

Click the Cust ID button above the field where you enter the customer ID.

Quick Jump To The Contact Form

Sometimes you will need to update a customer contact when taking an order. You can quickly jump to the contact form by clicking on the contact button on the order form.