Parcel Item Barcodes

Parcel item barcodes allow you to track individual items in a container. You can scan each item individually, use parcel item chaining, or master barcodes. Parcel item barcodes can also be used with the enforcement of parcel refrigeration

Viewing and Setting Up Parcel Item Barcodes

Parcel items can be set up in several places in the Operations App.

On an Order

On the order form, parcel item barcodes can be viewed or added by going to the Parcels tab and selecting the Parcel Items field of the associated parcel.


See Orders.

On a Route Stop

On the route stop form, parcel item barcodes can be viewed and added by going to the Parcels tab and selecting the Parcel Items field of the associated parcel.


See Dispatch - New / Edit Posted Route Stop.

On a Parcel Manifest

On the parcel manifest, click on the Parcel Items field to view or set up parcel item barcodes.

See Parcel Manifest.

In the Parcel Portal

Parcel items can be viewed or added from the Parcel Portal. by selecting a parcel and going to the Parcel Items tab.

See Parcel Portal.

Parcel Item Barcodes & Parcel Item Chaining

Parcel Item barcodes are automatically associated with the parcel it is associated with/ nestled under. It acts as a 3rd level chaining when used with the master barcode > parcel > parcel item workflow.

See Route Chaining and/or Master Barcodes.