This page is for the Operations App. For the Classic Operations App please see Vehicles (Classic Operations App).
You must have the Vehicles permission to view and the Edit Vehicles permission to edit enabled. See Users.
Vehicles can be used to track company and/or driver vehicles or to group drivers together. A vehicle can be associated with multiple drivers, however, a driver can only be associated with only one vehicle at a time.
Quick Tip: If you do not need to keep track of the vehicle type of your drivers you can use Vehicles as a generic class or type for drivers.
To get to the Vehicles section, go to Maintenance > Vehicles.
Field | Description |
Description | Description or name of the vehicle |
ID | Unique numerical ID. |
Class | Classification of the vehicle. |
How to Create a New Vehicle
Go to Maintenance > Vehicles.
Click the + button in the top right.
How to Edit a Vehicle
Go to Maintenance > Vehicles.
Click the vehicle you would like to edit or click the action menu at the end of the row and select Edit.
Quick Tip
You can open 2 edit forms by selecting the checkboxes of the vehicles and clicking the edit pencil icon in the top right.
How to Delete a Vehicle
Go to Maintenance > Vehicles.
Check the checkbox of the vehicle(s) you would like to delete.
Click the delete button in the top right.
Vehicle Form
Field Name | Description |
ID | Unique numerical ID. Once the ID is set when creating a new depot, it cannot be edited. |
Class | The classification of the vehicle. The associated icon used for the vehicle on the Dispatch Board.
Description | The description of the vehicle that will be displayed on the driver record and Dispatch Board. |
VIN | The Vehicle Identification Number of the vehicle. |
Min Weight | The minimum weight that the vehicle should be assigned to carry. This field is for reference only. |
Max Weight | The maximum weight that the vehicle should be assigned to carry. This field is for reference only. |
Length | Length used to calculate the dimensional weight of the vehicle. |
Width | Width used to calculate the dimensional weight of the vehicle. |
Height | Height used to calculate the dimensional weight of the vehicle. |
Max Dim Weight | Maximum amount of dimensional weight that can be assigned to the vehicle (driver). |
Max Dim Weight Enforcement | Max dim weight enforcement for the vehicle can use the global setting by selecting “Use Global Option” or override the setting by selecting another option.
Capacity | The passenger capacity of the vehicle. This field is for reference only. |
Parking | The parking information for the vehicle. This field is for reference only. |
Relative Speed | The relative speed of the vehicle. This can be useful if the driver is not sending back GPS Updates which report the current speed of the vehicle and is used when calculating the driver ranking. See Driver Ranking Configuration. |
Vehicle Owner | Who owns the vehicle:
License and registration information for the vehicle. The Expires date will be used with the Enforce Critical Dates in the Dispatch tab of Global Options.
Insurance information for the vehicle. The Expires date will be used with the Enforce Critical Dates in the Dispatch tab of Global Options.
User Data
Reference fields you can use to store any additional data on the vehicle. These fields can be customized in the Dispatch tab of Global Options. See How to Set Up User Data Fields for Vehicle Records.