Visual Dispatch Shipments Field Descriptions for Routes

Visual Dispatch Shipments Field Descriptions for Routes

The Visual Dispatch shipments routes list displays route shipment information.


Field Descriptions

The following field descriptions are for the Routes Shipments section of the Visual Dispatch.

Field Name


Map Pin

When enabled, the route will be displayed on the map. Each route will be displayed in a different color.



Check to select the route.


Alphanumeric route ID of the route. The "UNASSIGNED" route ID is a group active stops without an assigned route.


Description of the route. This can only be edited in the route form. See Planning - New/Edit Route.


Status of last route optimization. See Route Optimization.

  • Green Checkmark: Route has been optimized.

  • Yellow !: Warnings such as no possible solution or the end/begin time being incompatible.

  • Red X: Cannot run optimization for the route.

Quick Tip: Only validated addresses will be included in the optimization process, any unvalidated stops will be removed before processing.


Fleet ID assigned to route upon creation of the route.  See Planning - New/Edit Route.


Fleet name associated with Fleet ID assigned to the route. Fleet names can be edited in Maintenance > Fleets. See Fleets (Classic Operations App).


Driver ID of the driver assigned to the route. A blank DriverID means that there is no driver assigned to the route.


Date the route was posted. See Post Recurring Orders or Routes.


The start time set on the route form. It's used for reporting and display purposes only. 

Color code:

  • Red:  The current time is past the Start time and the route has no completed stops. 


The end time set on the route form.  It's used for reporting and display purposes only.

Color code:

  • Red:  Not all of the stops have been completed, the current time is past the Start time, and the End time is greater than the Start time, or if the route End time is more than 24 hours ago, the route is still active, and the End time is greater than the Start time. 


Total number of stops on route.


Total number of completed stops on route.

Status (Max)

Each field shows the number of late stops depending on the time evaluation (Max Time, Preferred Time, or ETA Time). Ideally, all stops are delivered before the customer's preferred time, however, sometimes this isn't the case and the stop may not officially be considered late until delivery time exceeds the maximum defined time.

These fields show three pieces of information:

  1. Number: The number of late* stops.

  2. Status:

    • On-Time: No stop on the route is late.

    • Late: One or more stops are late.*

  3. Color: 

    • Green: All stops are on time.

    • Yellow: One or two stops are late, however, all other stops are on time.

    • Red: Three or more stops are late for Max or Preferred, and four or more stops are late for ETA.

  • Late: A late stop is when the current time exceeds the time specified in parenthesis (Max, Preferred, or ETA) for stops on the route.

Status (Preferred)

Status (Min)

Status (ETA)


Total number of parcels existing on completed stops for the route. This does not include parcel counts for expected parcels.


Total number of parcels indicated as "Overages" on completed stops for the route (parcels not originally on the stop as expected).


Total number of parcels indicated as "Short" on completed stops for the route (unscanned or undelivered parcels).


Total number of parcels indicated as "Exceptions" on completed stops for the route (driver or CSR adds "Exceptions" / status codes).

Next ETA Max

Time difference in minutes between the current time and the next stop's ETA value supplied for the max field + the grace period for route stops in the route optimization settings. 

Color code:

  • Default: ETA is more than 10 minutes before the Max time.

  • Yellow: ETA is between 0 to 10 minutes before the Max time.

  • Red: ETA is after the Max time.

Next ETA Preferred

The time difference in minutes between the current time and the next stop's ETA value supplied for the preferred field in the route optimization settings.

Color code:

  • Default: ETA is more than 10 minutes before the Preferred time.

  • Yellow: ETA is between 0 to 10 minutes before the Preferred time.

  • Red: ETA is after the Preferred time.


Number of stops on the route that were completed early (before the preferred time).

Color code:

  • Green: All stops are on time.

  • Yellow: One or two stops are late, however, all other stops are on time.

  • Red: Three or more stops are late.


Number of stops completed after the Max time of the route stop.

Color code:

  • Green: All stops are on time.

  • Yellow: One or two stops are late, however, all other stops are on time.

  • Red: Three or more stops are late.

Driver Nickname

Nickname of the driver assigned to the route. See Drivers.

Pay Locked

Displays -1 if the driver pay for the route has been locked. See Set Driver Pay.

HH Manifest Comp

The number of route stops where the driver clicks on the stop in their manifest to open and complete it. 

HH Active Stop Scan

The number of route stops where the driver scans the X-xxxx-Rxxxx barcode to open the stop and completes it.  The R barcode is found on the route manifest from the Dispatch Board.

HH Contract Stop Scan

Number of route stops where the driver opens and PODs the stop by being on the route manifest and either scanning the L or C barcode related to the stop. The L barcode is the lookup barcode for the stop (X Mobile Secondary Lookup) and the C barcode is the contract stop barcode.

CSR Comp

Number of route stops where an Operations App user manually completed the route stop.

Internet Comp

Number of route stops where the internet user marks the route stop as completed in the Driver Portal (through X Internet or Client Portal) manifest. 

Status Code

Number of status codes on a route.

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