Customers - New/Edit Customer

Customers - New/Edit Customer

The Customers section lists your customers.

To manage and view customers go to Maintenance > Customers. See here 

Quick Tip: You can also access the Customer section through On Demand > Customers.

Field Name


Field Name



The Customer Number for the customer.


Name of the customer.


Address information for the customer.


Local Phone

Phone number 1 for the customer.


Latitude of the customer's address.


Longitude of the customer's Address.

Quick Tip: Click on a column name to sort by that column.

How to Search for a Customer

You can find customers by entering the criteria in the Look for field and selecting the column field you would like to Search Under.

How to Add a New Customer

  1. Go to Maintenance > Customers and click the New button in the top left, or click the down arrow next to the New button and click Customer.

  2. Enter a unique Customer Number. The customer number can be entered manually or generated using the "Generate ID" button  located on the toolbar. Generate ID generates the and ID number based on the "Customer ID Algorithm" setting in the global options' "Misc" tab. See Global Options for more information.

    • Use numbers only.

    • No special characters or letters. 

    • This number cannot be changed once the customer is saved.

  3. Enter a Name

Quick Tip: You can load default field entries by clicking the "Load Defaults" button located on the toolbar. See Default Customer.

How to Edit a Customer

  1. Go to Maintenance > Customers.

  2. Double click on the customer you would like to edit.

How to Delete a Customer

  1. Go to Maintenance > Customers.

  2. Double click on the customer you would like to delete.

  3. Click the Delete button.






Customer Name

Unique number ID for the customer.


Customer name. This will appear on orders, invoices, etc. It does not have to be unique and can be changed later.

Alternate Lookup

Alternate lookup ID for the customer.

This field will only appear after the Customer Number is entered and Enable Alternate Lookup is enabled in the Global Options Misc tab.


The Orders tab contains customer's local information on the left and order form related options on the right.

Local Information 

Field Name


Field Name


Click the Address button to enter or edit the address that will appear in the origin or destination field when the insert key is used while on the order form.

Phone 1

This phone number will be placed in the Phone field of an order if the customer is used as the origin or destination. The phone number will automatically be formatted. Example: A number entered as "4053456789" will be changed to "(405) 346-6789".

Phone 2

Secondary phone number for the customer.


Customer fax number.


Name of the main contact.


Customer's main email address.

Origin Caption

Select the caption that will show on the customer's order form.

  • Origin

  • Shipper

  • Pickup

  • From

Origin Remarks

This will be placed in the Remarks field of the Origin on the order from when the local address information is used for the pickup.

Destination Caption

Select the caption that will appear on the customer's order form

  • Destination

  • Consignee

  • Delivery

  • To

Destination Remarks

This will be placed in the Remarks field of the Destination on the order from when the local address information is used for the delivery.

Route Comments

Comments specific to "X Route".


Label(s) for the customer to be used for reporting purposes. See Labels (Classic Operations App).

Order Entry Options

Field Name


Field Name


Default Service Type

This field can be left blank. The service type selected will be placed in the "Service Type" field of the order form every time this customer places an order.

All service types are available for selection, but it is possible that the customer will not have the availability of a service type based on the assigned rate chart.

Default Order Type

This field can be left blank. The order type selected will automatically be placed in the "Order Type" field of the order form every time this customer places an order.

All order types are available for selection, but it is possible that the customer will not have the availability of an order type based on the assigned rate chart.

Default Image File Conversion

Default image file type used for the customer's image attachments when sent through the message format status alert emails and used when saving in the Operations App and the Client Portal. Select from the following:

  • No Conversion - File types will not be changed. The original file type is used

  • BMP - Image file types will be converted to BMP

  • JPG - Image file types will be converted to JPG

  • PDF - Image file types will be converted to PDF

  • PNG - Image file types will be converted to PNG

  • TIF - Image file types will be converted to TIF

PDF files will not convert to any other image file type. 

Dispatch Priority

Select the level of importance of the customer from 0 to 10. It is displayed in the dispatch board and can be a useful tool for making dispatch decisions. 

Allow customer address points

Turns on the customer specific address points when taking an order. 

If unchecked, the customer can only view global addresses.

Weight Required

Make weight on the order form required.

Pieces Required

Make pieces on the order form required.

Service Type Required

Make service type on the order form required.

Require Status Code for TW Change

Make a status code required for a time window change.

Require Parcel Dimensions - Rapidship

Makes parcel dimensions required in the Client Portal.

Update pieces and weight by Parcels

Pieces and weight in the Client Portal can only be updated by adding or removing parcels and Basic Ordering will be disabled.

POD Required

Make POD, or proof of delivery, required for the delivery of an order. This is just the text part of the signature. 

Signature Required

Make a signature required for the delivery of an order or route stop.

VPOD Required

Make visual proof of delivery required for the delivery of an order. The driver can take a picture with the camera on their device or attach a file or image.

Visual proof of delivery are captured only on the delivery portion of on demand orders and route stops with a “Delivery” stop type.

  • Camera Required

When checked, the driver is required to take a picture with the camera on their device and cannot attach an image or file as the VPOD.

This field is enabled as an option when VOPD Required is checked.

Credit Cards - XD

Visible only when credit card processing is set up. See Setting Up Credit Card Processing.

Select credit card payment options for the customer when orders are placed in the Operations App. 

  • Never accept credit cards

  • Accept credit cards

  • Only accept credit cards

Quick Tip: This does not affect credit card payment options in the Client Portal. For this, see Internet Users or Internet Users (Classic Operations App).

Force Location Scan on Pickup

  • None

  • Upon Arrival: Requires an arrival scan, where the driver has to scan a location barcode from the Driver App.

  • Upon Departure: Requires a departure scan, where the driver has to scan a location barcode from the Driver App.

  • Both: Requires both arrival and departure location barcode scans.

See Force Location Scan in the Driver App.

Force Location Scan on Delivery

Service Type Caption

Changes the caption of the service type on the order form. You can select "Service Type" or "Vehicle Type".

CSR Reminder

A reminder that will appear on the order form with a red flashing siren next to it. 

Dispatch Reminder

Comments relating to the customer that is specifically for the dispatchers. It displays as a field in the dispatch board.

Default Mileage Unit

Select the default measurement unit of miles or kilometers to calculate the distance for on demand orders.


Billing Address

Check the box if the Billing Address is different than the local address found on the Orders tab. When checked, the address button  will be enabled to enter and edit the billing address.

Billing Contact 

If the Billing Contact information is left blank, information in the Local Information section in the Orders tab will be used.

Field Name


Field Name



The customer billing contact.


Phone number for billing purposes.


Fax number for.


The e-mail address of the customer's billing contact. Used when emailing invoices to the customer.


General "Billing Notes".

Credit Card

This section requires credit card processing to be set up. If Credit Card Processing is Disabled in the Global Options, this section will not be visible. See Setting Up Credit Card Processing.

Credit cards added to the customer record are displayed in this section. 

Field Names


Field Names


Bill Invoices With Default Credit Card

When checked, the credit card set as the default will be used to pay invoices when invoices are processed.

Enabled credit cards have been added to the customer record.

Set Card As Default

Click this button when the credit card you want to set as the default is selected.

Enabled credit cards have been added to the customer record.

Remove Card

Click this button when the credit card you want to remove is selected.

Enabled credit cards have been added to the customer record.

Add New Card

Click the "Add New Card" button to save credit card information for the customer. You can save more than one credit card, choose a default credit card, and bill invoices with the default credit card. 

Rate Charts and Override Pay Charts

See How to Set Customer/Human Resource Driver override pay chart for more information.

Field Names


Field Names



Enter the number of the base chart you would like to assign the customer.

Rate Adjustment %

This is a discount or increase of the base chart. Enter a positive number for an increase, or a negative number for a discount. 

Example: Enter "- 20" for a 20% discount off the rate chart assigned.

Apply to base rate only

When enabled, the Rate Adjustment % to only apply to the base rate. 

When disabled, the Rate Adjustment % will be applied to base and item rates only. Surcharges are not included in the rate adjustment.

Order Type Overrides

Click the button to override order type settings on a customer by customer basis. You can override time parameters by extending time frames on order types, give discounts or increases for a certain date range, and change the distance factor calculation.

Order rating can only be a negative amount if manually adjusted by a user. Auto calculated order rates will be $0 if the calculated amount is negative. For example, if an order was rating at $10 and an Order Type Override was set up for -$20, the orders would rate at $0 instead of -$10.

Driver Override %

Enter the total driver pay percent for on demand work. This will override the driver pay percent in the driver's HR record. 

Exclude from sales reports ( House Account )

Check the box if you would like the revenue from this customer not appear in the generated reports. This is useful in situations where a customer account is set up to charge back your company for various deliveries, House Accounts. 

Tax Exempt

Check the box to exclude the customer from sales tax.

Require verification before

Check the box to require verification on an order before the selected action.

  • Invoicing

  • Settlements

  • Invoices and Settlements

Print invoice detail format

Check the box to print invoices according to the format selected. Three different formats are provided by default:

  • Standard Invoice

  • Reference Sort

  • Billing Group Sort

You can set up additional formats.

Email invoice detail format

Check the box to email invoices to the email in the “Billing Contact” section and select a format.

  • Data Spreadsheet – Sends an Excel spreadsheet.

  • Use Print Format – Sends a PDF file of the format selected in the “Print invoice detail format” field.

Account Status

Select from the following:

  • Active – Allows orders to be placed on the customer's account and the customer has placed at least one order. This is the status of most customers.

  • Inactive – Similar to deleting a customer, but this allows you to change the customer's status back to active. Customers cannot be deleted if orders have been placed on their account.

    In the inactive status, orders cannot be placed on the customer's account. The following symbol  is placed in the first column next to the customer when in the "Customer Mode".  

  • Past Due – Allows the CSR to still take an order, but a warning window alerting of the "Past Due" status will be displayed. The following symbol is placed in the first column next to the customer when in the "Customer Mode".

  • Credit Hold – The customer cannot place orders and the CSR will see a message of the customer's status. The following symbol is placed in the first column next to the customer when in the "Customer Mode".

  • Blacklisted – Identifies that the customer is never to place an order again. The following symbol is placed in the first column next to the customer when in the "Customer Mode".

  • Prospect – The customer has not placed any orders yet. The customer will become "Active" the first time they place an order. The following symbol is placed in the first column next to the customer when in the "Customer Mode".

Billing Cycle

Select how often the customer will be invoiced. You can add more billing cycle options. See How to Invoice a Customer Outside of the Normal Billing Cycle.

Create a separate invoice for each order

Check the box to bill and invoice each order placed by the customer separately. The invoice number will be the same as the order ID.

Invoice due in [ _ ] days

Enter a number. This number can be used on invoices and can be imported into your accounting package.

X Route

Field Name


Field Name


Route Surcharge Adjustment %

This adjusts from the global configuration.

If a global surcharge is not set, the default is 0.

Example: Enter "- 20" for a 20% discount off the surcharge.

If a global surcharge is set, this field will adjust the global value for any routed work for this customer. 

Example: Global setting is 10%.  Enter "-3" to discount the global setting by 3%, charging this customer a 7% surcharge.

Calculated % ( Including Global )

The total adjusted percent applied to the route surcharge which includes the global adjusted percent under Options > X Route. 

Booked Percentage

Used for driver pay percentage of the total rate.



This is a list of frequent contacts. It can be pre-populated and edited by using the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons on the right.

Field Name


Field Name


Automatically save

Check this to save contacts to the list when placing an order.

Required during order entry

Check this to require the "Contact" field on the order form.

Email Addresses

This is a list of email addresses used for the "Email Confirmation" field on the order form. It can be pre-populated and edited by using the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons on the right.

Field Name


Field Name


Automatically save

Check this to save email addresses to the list when placing an order.

Required during order entry

Check this to require the "Email / Fax Alerts" field on the order form.

Default Email Addresses/SMS Text Alerts

Email address(es) and/or phone number(s) that will automatically be entered in the "Email / SMS Text Alerts" field on the order form.


Create automatic email notifications when the status changes. 

Quick Tips

  • More than 1 status alert can be added for a single Status Event.

  • Alerts set up here will be displayed as an Email notification when order is option in the Client Portal Place Order page. For example, the Status Event "Order - Delivered" must be set up here for "Delivered" to be an option for Email notification when order is.

Field Name


Field Name


Status Event

Select a status event to trigger a notification.

Message Format

Select the message format for the notification that will be sent.


Check if the status event is required.

SMS Text

Check if the status event should send an SMS text message. See SMS Text Notifications.

Visible when global Option "Enable SMS Text Notifications" is enabled.


Click to edit the message format.


The last user to update the alert set up.


The timestamp of when the alert was updated last.



The References list can be pre-populated and modified using the “Add” and “Remove” buttons. When adding references you can choose whether the reference will be assigned to Reference 1, Reference 2, or both. 

Field Name


Field Name


Display caption 1

Controls what the "Reference Caption" will read on the order form.

Display caption 2

Controls what the "Reference Caption" will read on the order form in X Internet.

Reference 1 format

This value will be automatically displayed as placeholder text in the "Reference 1" field, so users know what format to use for their data.

Reference 2 format

This value will be automatically displayed as placeholder text in the "Reference 2" field, so users know what format to use for their data.

Warning for invalid reference length

Check this box if you want a warning when the Reference data does not match the Reference format length.

Accept listed references only ( Ref 1 Only )

Check this box if you want only the references in the in the list to be accepted on the order form. This will only apply to the "Reference 1" field of the order form.

Reference 1 Required

Check this box to make the "Reference 1" field on the order form required.

Reference 2 Required

Check this box to make the "Reference 2" field on the order form required.

Show reference list during order entry

Check this box to show all the references in the list in a drop-down on the order form.

Billing Groups 

The Billing Groups list can be pre-populated and modified using the “Add” and “Remove” buttons. Billing groups are configured here on customer records and used for grouping invoices if preferred. They can be changed/added to orders, route stops, contract stops, internet user records, and stamps so that the invoice records can be grouped.

Field Name


Field Name


Display Caption

Changes the "Billing Group" caption on the order form.

Billing Group Required

Check this box to make the "Billing Group" field on the order form required.

Accept listed billing groups only (On Demand)

Check this box to allow only billing groups from the list to be accepted on the order form for On Demand orders.

Accept listed billing groups only (Routed)

Check this box to allow only billing groups from the list to be accepted on the order form for Routed orders.


Field Name


Field Name


Business Unit

Select the business unit that the customer belongs to. Business units are configured in Maintenance > Business Units. See Using Business Units for more information.

Customer Type

Select the customer type.  Example: Medical Supplier, Auto Parts Distributor. Customer types are configured in Maintenance > Customer Types. See Customer Types (Classic Operations App) for more information.

Customer Source

Select the customer source. Example: How you obtained the "Customer", Advertisement, Cold Call, etc. Customer sources are configured in Maintenance > Customer Sources. See Customer Sources (Classic Operations App) for more information.

User Field 1

Allows you to keep track of any data you would like. These fields accept any type of data.

User Field 2

Ensenda Courier ID

Provided by Ensenda for their customers.

Ensenda Merchant

Provided by Ensenda for their customers.

Ensenda URL

Provided by Ensenda for their customers.

Customer Since

By default, this is the date the customer file was created. This date can be changed.

Last Ordered

Date that the customer placed their last order.

First Ordered

Date that the customer placed their first order. This cannot be changed.

First Entered

Date the customer file was created. This cannot be changed.

First Entered By

User who created the customer file. This cannot be changed.

Last Updated

Date the customer file was last updated. This cannot be changed.

Last Updated By

User who made the last update to the customer file. This cannot be changed.

Override The Default Signature Text in X Mobile

Overrides the signature text in X Mobile when capturing a signature.

Driver Notes

Enter notes to display to the driver in X Mobile when [DriverNotes] is added to the message formats.

Route Stop User Field Captions

Text entered into the User Field will modify the caption of the corresponding User Field of the customer's route stop record.

Internet Users

The Internet Users tab displays a summary of all the internet users associated with the customer. To edit an internet user, double-click the "User ID" of the internet user. See Internet Users (Classic Operations App) for more information. 

Field Name


Field Name


User ID

Alphanumeric username the internet user uses to log in.


Internet user's name. This can be alphanumeric and is displayed when logged in.


Internet user's email address.


Internet user's phone number.

Hide Rates

Whether or not rates are hidden for the internet user.

  • Yes - Internet user option "Show Rates" is disabled.

  • No - Internet user option "Show Rates" is enabled.


Whether or not the internet user is approved to log in to the Client Portal or X Internet.

Base Rate Adj %

Internet user's Rate Adjustment which is specific to the internet user. 

This can be a dollar or percentage amount. 


Number of addresses in the internet user's address book.


The customer record's Alternate Lookup.


Whether or not the internet user is allowed to track drivers on X Internet. This does not include tracking drivers in the Client Portal.


Display Driver Location

Setting for whether or not driver location is displayed for all of the customer's internet users.

  • After Dispatch - Display the driver's pin location when the internet user clicks the Show Driver Location button on the order after it has been dispatched to the driver 

  • En Route Only -  Display the driver's pin location only if the driver is en route to the location of the destination address, or if the order has been marked as the "Next stop" by the driver in the Driver App. This will also allow the internet user to see the "# of stops away" count on the Track Order Detail card. 

  • Use Global - This is the default setting and will use the Display Driver Location selection in the Global Options Internet Options tab.

  • Disabled - The Show Driver Location button will not be visible in the Client Portal unless the internet user's option Display Driver Location is set to "After Dispatch" or "En Route Only".


The Commissions tab displays a list of people that receive commissions on an order from the customer.

Field Name


Field Name


Human Resource ID

Human Resource ID of the person that receives the commission.

Begin Date

Date the person begins receiving a commission.

End Date

Date the person stops receiving a commission.

Commission Percent

Percentage of the commission.


The Invoices tab displays a list of invoices for the customer. The list shows the invoice number, date of the invoice, and the total invoice amount for both routed and on demand orders. 

Working With Invoices

  • Click on the [+] next to the invoice to show the orders in the invoice.

    • Double click the order number to open the order form.

  • Right-click on an invoice for a menu to:

    • Mark as Paid

    • Mark as Short Paid

    • Mark as Unpaid (This is option is disabled when the QuickBooks integration is enabled.)

    • Preview Invoice

    • Email Invoice

  • Invoice color legend: 

Quick Tip: The "CC Pending" status is for when invoices have been authorized, but have not been processed. See How to Charge, Process and Reconcile Credit Cards in the Operations App


The Notes tab displays a text box that you can use to enter notes for the customer. The notes will display on the order form. Click the "Date Stamp" button to place today’s date on a new line.

Note List

The Note List tab displays notes for the customer. 

How to Add a Note

  1. Click the "Add Note" button.

  2. Click the arrow down under Type to select the note type. Note types can be configured in Maintenance > Note Types. See Note Types (Classic Operations App) for more information.

  3. Click the Note section to add your note.

  4. Go to File > Save when done.

How to Edit a Note

Click the Type or Note field of the note you want to edit.

How to Delete a Note

  1. Click the box on the left of the note you would like to delete to highlight the entire row.

  2. Press the delete key on your keyboard.


The Attachments tab lists any files that have been attached to the customer.

Field Name


Field Name



This number is automatically generated by the system and cannot be typed in.

File Name

Name of the file.


Description of the type of file.

Created By

Name of the CSR that attached the file.

How to Insert an Attachment

Right-Click anywhere in the Attachments tab to display the menu.

  • Click on "Add Attachment" to select the file you want to attach.

  • Click on "Create Text File" to open Notepad to you can type a note to attach.

How to View an Attachment

Double-click the file name for the attachment you want to view.

How to Delete an Attachment

  1. Right-click on the attachment you want to delete.

  2. Click on "Delete Attachment".


The Tasks tab allows you to create tasks related to the customer.

Field Name


Field Name


Task Name

The name of the task created.

Due Date

Date and time the task is due.

Created By

Name of the user that created the task.

How to Create a Task

  1. Right-click anywhere in the Tasks tab to display the menu. 

  2. Click on "New".

  3. Fill in the "Edit Task" form 

    You can set a timed reminder for the task and receive an alert you when it is almost due. When a "Reminder" is set, the "Edit Task" window will automatically appear at the time that the "Reminder" is set.

  4. Click "OK" to save.

How to View a Task

Double click the task name of the task you want to view.

How to Delete a Task

  1. Right click on the task you want to delete to display the menu.

  2. Click "Delete".

Required Driver Input

The Required Driver Input allows you to enter prompts for drivers in the Driver App when at a stop. See Driver App Required Driver Input for more information. 

This does not apply to posted recurring orders. Required driver inputs for recurring orders must be added directly to the recurring order form.

Parcel Types

The Parcel Types tab allows you to control which parcel types are available to the customer. 


Section / Field


Section / Field


Available Parcel Types

Select the parcel types that are specific to the customer by checking the checkbox in front of the parcel type or click the Add all button to check all the boxes. You can edit the parcel types list in Maintenance > Parcel Types. See Parcel Types (Classic Operations App) for more information. 

Only parcel types selected in the Available Parcel Types will be available in the Driver App.

Enable parcel type list in XD

When enabled is checked, all of the orders, route stops, contract stops, and parcel forms associated with the customer will only accept the selected parcel types. 

Available Parcel Items

Requires Driver App 3 or newer. 

Configure parcel items and parcel type enforcement for drivers to select in the Driver App. See Parcel Items (Classic Operations App). The checkbox must be checked to enable parcel item options in the Driver App for Available Parcel Types selected. Click the corresponding button in the Parcel Type Enforcement column to edit the parcel item's enforcement type. 


Quick Tip: Use the Set All Parcel Types to button to set all available parcels to the same enforcement type.

Parcel Type Enforcement Icons

  • No Icon - The enforcements are using the global settings.

  • Yellow Caution Icon - There are overrides from the global settings.

Required Mobile Route Parcel Types

Configure required parcel types during driver action in the Driver App for specific stop types by selecting the Parcel Type and Stop Type to require the driver to enter a parcel count for the specific parcel type. The Parcel Type cannot be duplicated.

For parcel types to be available in the Driver App, the parcel type must be selected in both Required Mobile Route Parcel Types and Available Parcel Types.

Status Codes

The Status Codes tab allows you to control which status codes display when a driver is scanning a parcel. 

When "Enforce status code list in XD" is checked, only status codes that are checked will display in the dropdown lists in the Operations App and you will be restricted from manually entering in a new status code on any form associated with the customer. This is disabled by default.


The CRM tab allows your company to create customized fields to be able to track any type of data. The CRM tab is empty until you define the CRM fields. You can add and edit CRM fields in Maintenance CRM Fields. See CRM Fields for more information.

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